Chapter 3

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"Look," Vera said before slamming a book on the desk in front of me. I flinched hard, backing up and looking at her in shock for a second.

"Girl- Are you insane? I nearly had a heart attack," I cursed. "Sorry." "It's fine. What even is that?" I then asked as I grabbed the book to inspect it.

"A book," she answered pissed. "Oh really? I thought it was a coupon for Prada- Of course it's a book dumbass. But why are you showing me that?"

"My parents got me that instead of those shoes I really wanted," she explained as she took a seat next to me. "Lovely Desire," I read the title out loud. "Sounds okay to me," I continued, shrugging my shoulders and placing it on the desk again.

"It's not okay," she accentuated while gesturing her fingers in the air to quote me. "You should learn to be a little more appreciative. My parents don't get me anything if it's not my birthday or christmas," I gifted her with a little moral lesson, really not giving a shit at all.

We had an upcoming test and the class we were about to attend was very important. "Oh by the way, I won't be able to drive you home today so Jack will do that instead," Vera said as she took her stuff out of her bag.

My jaw dropped to hell. I didn't want Jack to drive me. I didn't even know him, he could've been dangerous. Well, considering he was a Mafia boss, he was dangerous. Despite, he had something else to do.

"Vera I don't think that that's a good idea," I said but she was already determined, which meant you could only loose. "It might not seem like it but he's really nice. I promise."
I rolled my eyes before turning my attention to the teacher who came in a few seconds ago.

After school, I waited for Jack in the parking lot. 10 minutes in, I was about to leave because I was convinced he wouldn't come anymore. Right as I turned around, he stood in front of me, making me jump.

"Hello," he sang as he looked down at me. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?" I cursed. "Follow me," he ignored my question and turned around to approach his matte black car parked on the other side of the street.

"Why did you park there and not in the school's parking lot?" I asked as I hurried after him. His legs were way longer than mine, making his steps extra big in comparison to the ones I made. "Too much potential for my car to get scratched by teenagers who can't drive," he said and then stopped talking for a second. "Plus, we don't want people to think you're rich, do we?"

I swear I could've smacked that smirk off his face right then and there. Everything in me screamed to tell him 'This is a private school. Everyone already knows I'm rich, idiot'. But neither did I redeem him from his pretty face, nor did I talk back. I needed to get home. And walking really wasn't in my interest.

After about 2 minutes we made it to the car and got in. He let the engine roar before he drove off, causing me to roll my eyes as I turned my gaze out the window.

The sun was shining through, warming up my cheeks and nose and putting everything under a warm, orange light.

"Roll those eyes again," Jack threatened, causing me to turn my gaze to him again. "And what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "I'll give you a reason to." He kept his gaze fixated on the street until I burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" he snapped at me. "What you just said," I answered, laughing even harder because he acted stupid.

"Oh so you don't think I'll be able to make you roll your eyes?" he teased as he looked back at the street and raised his eyebrows with a grin.

"No. I think you're the kind of guy who thinks he sends us to heaven when in reality he can't even find the clit," I teased him back to which he replied with a whole-hearted scoff.

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