Chapter 19

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The next morning my mission began. I wanted to turn Ace's office into a nice, comfortable working space for him.

I got ready and put on some comfortable clothes consisting of black sweatpants and the matching oversized hoodie and white sneakers. I knew I had a lot of work to do considering that the last time someone cleaned that office was probably ages ago.

Dan drove me to the head office but the real challenge was getting in without Ace knowing it. My face and fingerprints weren't saved in the system yet so I had to get some help.

I took out my phone and dialed a number. "Hello?" I heard Archie's voice at the other end of the line. "Do you happen to have a quick minute by any chance?" I asked hoping he wasn't busy, only to be met with silence.

"Archie?" "Yes? Yes what's wrong?" he asked and he indeed sounded like was busy. "I will arrive at the office in like a minute and I need you to let me in. I will explain it further when I'm there....Oh and no word to Ace. It's a surprise." There was silence on the other side again but after a few seconds he told me he'd let me in.

"So what kind of surprise is it?" he asked as he approached me from behind the closed gate. It was only then when he noticed the two target bags in my hands.

"What on earth are you up to?" he looked into the bags and laughed out loud as the realization kicked in. "What? His office is a mess" I stated but he just kept on laughing. "Yeah go for it, maybe he won't be that grumpy and moody all the time" he said in between his laughs before he sneaked me to Ace's office.

"He will be interviewing a few people so he won't be in here for two hours minimum" Archie stated as I entered the messy office. "Keep him busy for as long as possible. I'll text you when I'm done" I said and he nodded before closing the door behind him.

I put in my air pods and started throwing away all the empty bottles and the ugly ashtray. Then I started wiping down his shelves and vacuumed the floor. I placed some fake mini cacti and succulents in black pots on his shelves next to his books and folders and then I replaced the folders with black ones, keeping an eye on not to mess them up in the act.

When I was done with that, an hour had passed already so I lost no time and went on to the worst part - his desk. I wiped down his chair and then lay out the paper on the floor in the same pattern as they were lying on his table.

When it was empty I tested which pens were still working and threw out the empty ones. Then I wiped the desk down and placed the black pen organizer on his desk and the black porcelain ashtray on the other side.

I was happy about the fact that he had no shelf underneath his desk because I wouldn't have been able to organize that as well in the short time frame I had.

When I was finally done with the desk I placed the sheets on it again and it was time for the funny part.

My phone buzzed on the shelf and I quickly rushed over to check.

How far along are you? Ace will be done in abt half an hour


I had to hurry. I quickly unpacked the decoration and put it in place.
There were a few little things on his shelves and the fireplace like a witch hat, a black porcelain cat hanging her paws from the shelf, a mini pumpkin with a happy face and one with a angry face and black and orange candles to bring some color in the room.

Lastly I placed two big pumpkins I picked up with Dan in an empty corner and then I set up a dark grey armchair I bought for the days I would spend at the office. I put a fluffy white pillow on it and lay a fuzzy blanket on the armrest.

I brought the cleaning stuff back to the cleaner's room and lid a scented candle after opening the window for a few minutes to bring some fresh air into the room.

I looked at my master work proudly before taking out my phone to text Archie. A minute after that I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and was surprised to see Archie and Cullen but Ace was nowhere in sight. They pushed past me and burst out in laughter at the office. "I gotta admit you did a pretty good job but he will be pissed just to warn you" Cullen said laughing at the imagination of Ace's face once he will see it. I found the image pretty funny as well.

"Okay now out, Ace will probably come any second" I said trying to get them out but they stayed rooted in the ground. "Sorry but we won't miss this" Archie said and Cullen nodded in excitement. "Okay fine but at least wait outside" I frowned at them while pushing them out of the room.

In that moment Ace came and I quickly closed the door and stood in front of it with my hands on the doorknob behind me. He gave the three of us a confused look before stepping in front of me. "What did you guys do?" he asked suspicious. "We didn't do anything. Your fiancé on the other hand" Archie said gleeful causing Ace to get even more suspicious.

"Let me in, Mallory" he demanded and I suddenly started to get very nervous. What if he didn't like it?

He sighed because I didn't react and picked me up to place me next to the door. I wanted to intervene but he quickly opened the door and stopped in his tracks.

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