Chapter 42

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We discussed the rest including who Khalida was. She was a girl that was absolutely obsessed with Ace two years ago. She stalked him and almost killed Lucía because she was jealous before she was admitted to the Springbrook asylum. She managed to escape once already and she did again. That was already 2 months ago; pretty at the same time when I moved in with Ace. Everywhere she went she left a trail of death and blood behind, all just to get with him. But he was never interested in her.

We adjourned the meeting and called it a day.

A few days later I was lying in bed with Ace. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and Ace was already asleep when I heard steps outside in the hallway. It was nothing unusual because the security guards wandered around the house at night to maintain our safety.

What caught my suspiciousness was that the footsteps stopped in front of our door. It was the same like the night I sneaked into Ace's room to give his hoodie back.

The only difference was that this time I found it more suspicious, knowing that there was a psychopath that was obsessed with Ace walking around somewhere. She could've been everywhere and that was what scared me. The police were searching for her like crazy but never found her. And she for sure knew about me which scared me even more. If she went as far as killing Ace's sister it would be easy for her to just kill me as well. I trusted her with everything.

I quickly turned to my nightstand and reached for my gun. I wanted to alarm Archie because him and Cullen were staying at our house for extra security but I didn't. We had so many guards walking around, they for sure would've noticed it if something was suspicious, right?

The footsteps moved away after a good minute and I used my chance. I just couldn't shake off the feeling that something was incredibly wrong. Why would a security guard just stop in front of our door at 2 a.m.?

I was just in my pajama pants and a top so I quickly put on one of Ace's hoodies and pressed my ear against the cold, wooden door. When I was sure the footsteps were gone I quietly opened the door and peaked my head out.

The hallway was dark and empty. I could barely see my own hands but the moon lid everything just enough to see silhouettes. I debated on waking Ace up but I honestly didn't want her near him in case it was really her.

I closed the door and sneaked along the quiet hallway. I didn't know where the person went. The mansion was so big, they could've been everywhere.

I had my gun loaded and held up at all times as I sneaked around the corners, hoping no security guard would see me because that would've looked super weird.

As I walked down the stairs to the entrance area I saw security walking around so I quickly slid my gun under one of the long sleeves of Ace's hoodie.

"Ms. Morozov" he nodded and I nodded back with a smile before picking up pace to walk to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and drank it. When I saw that he was gone I placed it on the counter and rushed down to the basement. She had to be there.

Halfway down I heard a noise coming from the laundry room. I pulled my gun out again and slowly but quietly approached it. The door was slightly open and the light was burning so I peaked inside.

No one was there so I went in with furrowed brows. Before I could realize it the door was closed and the lights were turned off.

I startled and turned around immediately when I suddenly heard someone chuckle from a corner. I turned to face it but it was so dark I couldn't even see my own hands.

My heart race quickened and I turned around repeatedly, desperate to see something and scared of being attacked.

As I made my way to the door, the lights were turned on suddenly and I flinched hard when I saw a girl in front of me. "Booh" she said as she turned the lights back on and the maniac look on her face said it all. Her eyes were wide open and her smile just as wide.

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