Chapter 58

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The day went by pretty decent. I helped where I could and actually had some pretty nice conversations with some of the trainees.

Most of the members and trainees already left and I was tidying up a little until Ace would be done with his last 'interview'.

As I was putting away some weights in the gym, I heard the door being opened behind the corner.

I glanced in the direction as I picked up a weight plate. My baby hair was swinging in my face swiftly from the wind my movements caused. I couldn't see anything, causing me to furrow my brows in confusion.

"Hello?" I said out loud but got no response. The frown on my face deepened before I shook my head to brush it off.

"Do you need help?" a voice suddenly chimed from behind me. I jumped and gasped out loud as I turned around while letting go of the weight from the shock.

It fell on my foot and bumped onto the floor with a loud slam. I shrieked at the pain as I crouched slightly in response before I looked up to see who addressed me.

In front of me stood no one other than Cullen's mistress. I looked at her surprised but also confused as she stood in front of me with a straight face. She didn't even apologize.

"Oh it's you" I said raising my brows before I picked up the weight and hung it to the others. Then I walked past her and towards the door.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed as I held the door open and gestured for her to exit the gym. She did as instructed and I followed her to turn off the light and lock the door.

"I know you told Cullen to break up with me" she said in a serious tone causing me to chuckle slightly.

"What's so funny?" she snapped, her mood switching to a pissed one suddenly. "It's strictly forbidden to have a relationship of any kind with trainees. You're lucky I found out before Ace" I said, finding it ironic that she confronted me about a mistake her and Cullen made.

"You're lucky you're his fiancé because otherwise I would scratch your pretty eyeballs out that you use to wrap every guy around your little fingers" she hissed at me as she grabbed the collar of my hoodie and pressed me against the wall behind. Her face was inches away from me, I could feel her breath stroke my skin.

I looked at her with a pissed expression for a second before I grabbed her shoulders and kneed her in the stomach. She folded with a grump as she held her belly and I kicked her to lie on the ground.

I then got down next to her and grabbed her jaw with my hand so that she looked at me. "Disrespect me one more time and I'll make sure to kick your slutty ass out before you even get near the final fights" I threatened before I pushed her head down swiftly causing the back to hit the floor.

Then I got up and left to find Ace.

"Are you okay? You look.....tense" he asked as I was standing in the kitchen to drink some water. "I'm just stressed" I answered. I didn't want to tell him about Cullen and the trainee.

"Cullen told me you did a great job helping the trainees today."
"Did he?"
"Yeah but he was acting weird. Did something happen?" his voice was suspicious and I knew I was a bad liar so I tried to shrug it off.

"I'm really tired" I said before I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind, his face burying in my neck.

"Thank you for helping me so much" he muttered, his warm breath stroked my skin slightly, tickling me in the process. I giggled before I turned around to face him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"What have you eaten today?" he then asked. "Breakfast." "That's it? It's 8 p.m. you need to eat" the shock and concern on his face were significant.

"I just want to take a shower" I frowned in despair as I dropped my head against his chest. His one hand found the back of my head before he planted a kiss on my scalp. "Go take a shower and I'll make something to eat" he suggested, forcing a slight smile on my face.

I walked to my bathroom and stripped down before I looked at myself in the mirror. My under eyes had never been this dark before. I knew I needed a day off and so did Ace.

I took a deep breath before I hopped in the shower and let the warm water rain on me with my eyes closed.

When I was done I got dressed and went straight for the kitchen. Our chef was cooking a meal but Ace was nowhere to be seen.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked earning a surprised look from her. "No I'm fine, thank you Miss" she smiled.

"Where's Ace?" I said as I took a knife and started chopping the carrots that were lying on the counter.

"Please Miss Mallory, Mr. Rodrigues will be furious if he sees that. He told us not to let you help with anything" she pleaded for me to stop so I did. "I apologize" I said before I went to the living room.

Then Ace came back. His hair was still wet from the shower he had just taken. He was wearing sweatpants with the waistband of his boxers peaking out at the top. I hadn't seem him like that in a good while.

As I inspected the bulges on his body that his muscles formed I noticed the scar from his surgery.

"Aren't you supposed to have a bandaid on there or something?" I asked as he sat down next to me, his arm immediately lying on the back of the couch again.

"The doc said it'd be fine after a day" he stated before he took out his phone and opened a few emails.

Bored, a sighed escaped my mouth before I snatched the phone out of his hand. "How am I saved into your phone?" I said with a curious voice as I opened the messenger.

"Mal" he tried to grab it but I pulled it further away.

my love

My heart melted. He even had me pinned. My face dropped into a emotional one as my eyebrows raised slightly.

"DON'T you dare" he forestalled me as I opened my mouth to speak. He snatched the phone out of my hand again and raised his pointer finger at me with raised eyebrows.

"Mr. Rodrigues" the cook cleared her throat in the doorframe causing us to turn and look at her. "The dinner is served" she smiled, earning a nod from Ace before he got up. I rolled my eyes at him and then smiled at her reassuringly. She gave me a surprised and hesitant smile back.

"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes at me?" he spoke in a warning tone as he walked over to the dining room.

"And what did I tell you about acting like a grumbler towards your employees?" I replied with a cocky smile as I sat down.

He pointed his knife in my direction and smiled with a raised brow. "Unless you use that mouth to suck my dick I suggested it stays shut."

I grimaced at him in response and stuck my tongue out causing him to chuckle.

"Oh please Mallory, is that how you behave in front of your fiancé?" his mother's voice suddenly chimed from the entrance area as she was putting on her shoes.

Ace nodded his head in her direction while raising his eyebrows at me with a smirk. "And Ace" she spoke up again, addressing her son this time, "You do act like a grumbler but I don't remember raising a rape so stop sexually assaulting your girlfriend."

I burst out laughing at the statement and the face Ace made.

"Stop laughing you bitch" Ace spat as he threw his napkin at me and it landed on my plate. "Noo look what you did, asshole" I said still laughing and even he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"You guys act like teenagers" she cursed despairing. "Well to be correct, Mallory is still a teenager" Ace said.

"And that is probably the reason she's so cocky" Dominic's voice chimed from the hallway causing our laughs to still immediately.

"You're in no position to judge her" Ace glared at him and to my surprise the old man didn't say anything back.

His parents left and we got ready for bed after finishing the dinner.

And as I was lying in Ace's bed in the dark, I got a idea.

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