Chapter 34

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I tried to keep my breathing as even and quiet as possible when I heard footsteps enter the room. I was sitting in the back of one corner under Stanislav's desk. If they were to check there, I would've been dead.

There were no voices anymore but I could imagine they'd communicate with their hands as the footsteps approached from left and right now, making their ways around the desk. I slapped my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle the sounds of my now not so calm breaths.

Please let them leave. Fuck fuck fuck!

"Nivi," Vera sing sang and my face dropped. FUCK!
"I know you're in here. Come out."
The voice told me she was smiling, which was even scarier. Freaking me out, to be precise.

She sighed. "You can either come out now and die a brave woman or you can keep hiding under that desk and die a coward."

My stomach dropped. I clutched my gun tighter as I started to crawl out from underneath the desk. My eyes still kept frantically searching for a way out of this even though I knew there was none.

I could've shot one of them right when I came out but there was still the other one. And none of them was a safe call to shoot first. If only there were a second person with me that could've helped me.

Seconds felt like hours as I slowly got up with raised hands. They were standing in front of the table to the left and right, leaving me with no way out of this.

"Set the gun down on the table," Nadia instructed. I swallowed as sweat formed on my upper lip, cleavage and down my back. "Still haven't washed Ace's blood off I see? Did he die slow?"

I was about to tell her he didn't die when something clever came to my mind.  I faked an angry face. "You'd be glad to hear Mallory didn't shoot him in the head to quit his suffering," I spat, making her eyes light up with joy before they dulled again.

"Pity," she shrugged her shoulders. "He was really beautiful."
"Take his fucking name out your mouth," I warned. "He didn't deserve to die."

"Poor girl. You'll get it when you're older," she said, then raised her finger. "Oh wait," she gasped, then continued with a playful voice. "That will never happen."

"Any last words?" She asked as Vera raised her gun.

"Fuck you," another familiar, darker voice spat from behind, making my head whip toward the source in shock.

Jack fired his gun, sending the bullet straight through Nadia's skull before she could even turn around to look at him.

Vera and I flinched before Nadia's expression slackened and she dropped her gun. A second later, her body fell to the floor with a dull thud, painting the white marble a dark shade of red.

Vera screamed, scrambling down to her mother's dead body. But Jack had other plans for her. He hurried forward and wrapped his arm around her waist, picking her up before she had a chance to reach Nadia.
She screamed and cried. She didn't even stop me from getting her gun. I think in that moment she gave up.

I looked at Jack, sighing before I slammed the handle against her temple, making her pass out immediately. I emptied the magazine onto the floor and then dropped the gun.
"Thank you," I said, making him roll his eyes and turn around.

"We're leaving."

. . .

As soon as we were home, I went straight to the bathroom. I needed to wash Ace's blood off or I was gonna go mad.

"Where are you going?" Jack called after me, carrying an unconscious Vera on one shoulder. I ignored the question, feeling a panic attack simmer low inside my stomach. If I wasn't going to shower in the upcoming minutes, something bad was gonna happen.

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