Chapter 5

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"Do you ever wanna move away and change identities?" I asked Vera. We were lying on her bed, both on our back staring at the ceiling. My hands were tucked under my head.

She laughed and the word 'what' came out as a breath. "Do you ever wanna just be someone else? See how normal people live, be able to go to a normal school and have a normal boyfriend - not someone you're arranged to marry," I explained after rolling on my side to face her. She did the same.

"I don't know. I never thought about that," she answered, looking nowhere in particular. Silence built in the room for a moment before an idea came to my head. Before I could even open my mouth to speak, she asked me a question. "I have an idea-"

"What's so bad about having an arranged marriage? I mean look at your sister. She seems pretty happy." "She's getting married to the literal devil," I frowned at her after a pregnant pause of disbelief.

"Yeah with the face of an angel and an overprotective, obsessive behavior," she added, sounding like she was describing her favorite romance novel instead of the brutal reality of our lives. "He's a killer, Vera." "He's got a killer body if that's what you meant. And aren't all men we know killers? We were born into Mafia families," she dodged my attempt to put Ace in a bad light again so I finally gave up.

I scowled at her and then spoke after a quick pause. "Also, just because Mallory might've been lucky doesn't mean we will be lucky as well."

"Yeah but I mean at least most Mafia bosses fuck like a god," Vera said. "Oh really? Grow up this isn't a romance book, it's real life. And how would you know, anyway? It's not like you've fucked a Mafioso before," I snorted at her but she kept a straight face.

My smile dropped when I noticed her seriousness. "No you haven't," I said flabbergasted. "Yes I have," she answered, causing me to roll on my side and push myself up on my palms as a loud gasp escaped me.

"No you haven't," I repeated myself even louder and in total disbelief. "Yes I have," she laughed, also getting up.

I opened my eyes widely and nodded my head toward her. "What?" she asked confused. "Go on. Who is it? How was it? I wanna know everything," I demanded, sitting up in a crisscross.

"No," she said with a laugh as she did the same and shook her head. "You started this and now I'm invested. Tell me," I elongated the last 'e' and grabbed her shoulders, rocking her back and forth.

"Okay fine but you have to promise not to tell any-" "I promise," I blurted out, earning a frown.

"Jack Rodrigues," she lowered her voice and I squeaked in excitement. "What?" "Shh someone will hear you," she hushed me aggressively, putting her finger in front of her mouth and leaning in on the conversation.

"Sorry," I said after I remained myself. "But how was it? Why did you never tell me that?" "I didn't tell anyone, why would I?" "Uuuhm because we're best friends?" I answered before she answered my first question.

"He was good. Like good good." Her eyes were wide and eyebrows raised as she said that. And I honestly could imagine that. I never thought about him that way but it didn't surprise me either.

"And he has kinks."
I inhaled sharply with my eyes wide open, "Oh now we're getting to the good tea. What kind of kinks?"

"BDSM, spanking, calling me names," Vera leaned even closer to me with a face so serious, it almost scared me, wasn't I so invested in the story. "Gun and knie play," she almost whispered and that shocked me.

I knew that the other stuff existed and I've watched porn before but gun and knife play- sounded scary to me.

"Wow," I exhaled, raising my eyebrows and leaning back. "You're talking about knife play and I haven't even had my first kiss yet."

"What?" Vera said surprised, also leaning out of the conversation. "I know," I frowned as I let myself fall back onto the mattress. My head sank into one of her feather pillows with a thud and it didn't take Vera long to do the same.

A good minute of silence passed before she spoke up again. "Do you want to have your first kiss?"

I froze. Did she really just ask me if I wanted her to kiss me?

"I'm not quite-" "I'll teach you," she interrupted me before she got on top of me without a warning. "Vera-" "Do you trust me?" I wanted to push her off, caught by surprise but she interrupted me again. I hesitated but then nodded my head yes.

A satisfied smile formed on her face before she cupped my face with her thumbs sitting in front of my ears. "Do you know how to kiss someone?" she asked. "I-" I stifled a laugh. "I don't know dude I've never done this before."

"Okay so you might wanna tease them first. Don't go in for the kiss immediately. Make them beg for it," Vera explained while coming closer and closer to my face until she was not even an inch away.

Butterflies fluttered through my stomach so hard, mit made me feel sick. I knew this was just a game but Vera was bisexual and so was I and this felt intimidatingly real.

"Stroke their cheek or play with their hair, that helps with turning them on," she explained before she tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and then brushed her fingers along my scalp.

I melted into her touch without even wanting to. "And then you kiss them," she whispered before she closed the gap between us.

The kiss was soft and careful, almost too soft and careful for friends. I expected us to stop after a few seconds but when she pulled away, I instinctively grabbed her head and pulled her back in before her lips could leave mine.

She tilted her head to deepen the kiss and from that moment, everything happened on autopilot. Her one hand slid down to cup my breast and my hands slid to her waist.

Her tongue brushed against my lips for access and I let her in but she quickly separated her lips from mine and kissed her way down to my neck.

A slight moan slipped out of my mouth, causing her to slide her hand down from my breast to my stomach and between my thighs. I opened my legs further and pushed my hips up slightly, longing, begging for her touch.

By the time she slowly stroked her hand further up, my pantie was already soaking wet. She slid her hand into my sweatpants and-

"Vera," her mom suddenly knocked at the door. She practically jumped off me and even I was startled. "Yeah?" she asked annoyed. "What do you wanna have for dinner?"

Vera dropped her face into her hands. "Seriously?" she whispered before telling her that I was there. There was silence behind the door for a second before she answered. "Niveen is here? Can I come in?"

I looked at Vera, suspicious about what she would answer and to my dismay, she said yes even if it was quite involuntary. "Niveen, it's nice to see you," Nadia smiled at me whole-heartedly. I gave her an awkward smile back and nodded at her. "Why don't you stay for dinner?" "Uhm I really-" "Would love to," Vera finished my sentence for me, except I didn't want to answer it like that. "Great," her mother smiled and left.

"That was awkward-" "You said you had an idea," Vera interrupted me again. It started to really annoy me. "What?" I asked confused. "Earlier. You said you have an idea."

"Oh yeah, right. What would you like to be your name if you had the chance to start over?" I asked kind of excited by the thought alone.

Vera looked at me confused but also suspicious. "I don't know. I think Vera fits me pretty well."

"I think Tesla would be a cool name for you," I suggested, deep in thought as I stared at the ceiling again. "How come?" Vera asked and I turned my gaze to her.

"I don't know. The name kind of gives off your vibe, I guess. You know, the platinum blonde hair, the blue eyes," I explained.

"What if I had brown hair?" she asked suspicious. I thought about it for a while but then something came to my mind. I sucked in a breath. "Anne." "Those suggestions are so random, wow," Vera laughed out loud, causing me to laugh as well.

"It's better than just sticking with your name because of how uncreative you are," I mocked, earning an offended laugh in response.

We had dinner and studied for an upcoming exam before I went home. And we were definitely not talking about the incident earlier ever again.

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