Chapter 19

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I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Or, to be more precise, no one except for me could hear my screams.
I was secured at the feet, upside down, dumped into a large, human size pot of ice cold water. My hands were tied together behind my back and I was wearing a blindfold.

I started to shake uncontrollably again as I ran out of oxygen. Thirty more seconds and they'll pull me up. Or maybe they'll just let me die now.

The worst part was: only my head was under water. My body was in the air and the fact that I could wriggle but couldn't get high enough to reach the surface was driving me insane.

I've been in this room for forever now. I lost all sense of time but I didn't think it was more than a day.

They pulled me up just as I was about to faint again.

I breathed in deeply but instead of oxygen, water flooded my lungs, causing me to cough uncontrollably as my eyes teared up.

There was still water in your nose you dumb idiot.

"Get him down. We're initiating the last phase," a male voice said, making me even more nervous.

The last phase was probably my death....finally. Up until that point, I was beaten, forced into a fucking refrigerator naked, so tiny I could not sit down for hours and then they started to drown me.

The worst part of this refrigerator was that it switched temperatures every half an hour. The coldest it could get was 14 degrees, 104 for the opposite. My body collapsed after three changes. They were so drastic, I couldn't possibly withstand without fainting, shaking, throwing up and developing a fever.

The fact that I was able to watch the temperature change on a small scale didn't make it the least bit better. All I could do was stand there, watch the scale change slowly and wait for another cruel reaction of my body.

The sharp pain reverberating from my scull when they dropped me to the floor was excruciating. I screamed, partly due to the pain but mainly because I was so frustrated.

No matter how hard I tried to remember, I didn't know how I got there, let alone who those men torturing me were working for. It couldn't have been any of my enemies? Surely they would've never dared to capture me, would they?

Maybe it's one of my alliances, I thought to myself, but that didn't make any sense either. The only, barely reasonable explanation was that I died and went to hell. It wouldn't have surprised me.

Where's my fucking throne, Satan? Are you testing my worthiness?

"Time to say good night."

I woke up somewhere else....under the sky?! I opened my eyes that tried to adjust to the light. The pulsing in every single one of my limbs and head was blinding. I'd much rather have another one of those hangovers after my overdose than this.

"Oh look who's awake," the voice from earlier said before something cast a shadow over my head. It was the face of a man. Torn and drawn by the time.

I swallowed, my throat dry and sore. My nose burned like I just breathed in chlorine and my eyes teared up again as my [] constricted to defend itself from the 'chlorine'. Before I had the chance to say anything, I was pulled up by the arms.

Everything rotated and zoomed in and out of focus. My head pounded like crazy as I stumbled around, loosing the ability to contain balance.

"Keep it together," another man said. "You've got a job to do."

And with that, they pressed a shovel into my hands. I looked at it confused, my eyes flicking between the item and the men as it dawned to me.

"Dig," one demanded and when I didn't react, he kicked me in the lower back, making me stumble. The blunt butt of the shovel dug into my abdomen as I stumbled, leaving behind a stinging pain. I could already feel the bruise forming on there.

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