Chapter 14

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I'm usually a temperamental girl but when it comes to Ace it all seems to be gone. I could not come up with any answer so I remained silent. That was a thousand times better than getting all red and embarrassed.

The door opened and Archie came in. "Sorry to interrupt you but I'm despairing."

Ace and I looked at him before he sighed and we made our way to the training hall again. I was pretty glad that Archie came in to be honest. Ace's presence made me nervous.

"What's wrong?" Ace asked as we walked over to the hall. "They're just.....really bad honestly," Archie answered before he opened the door.

I looked around and everyone was doing something. Ace whistled super loudly. "Everyone get over to the combat ring," he yelled before putting his arm around me and walking over to the ring.

Everyone gathered around it and I could see the fear in their eyes.
"You and you," Ace pointed at a boy and a girl, both around the age if seventeen. "Get up there."

The fear in their eyes grew just as the tense silence in the hall. At some point, I was sure you could cut through the air with a blade.

Slowly, they made their ways up into the ring, getting into position. They started fighting but they really were not good at all. It was super bad. They weren't even capable of dodging a simple punch.

I looked up at Ace who was pinching the bridge of his nose in disappointment.
"Okay that's enough," he barked, causing everyone to still and look at him. He really was that intimidating.
"What the fuck are you doing? Can you not even throw a simple punch or at least dodge one?"

There was silence for a few seconds. No one dared to even move, scared that might make him snap.
Unfortunately, not everyone was scared equally.
"Instead of flirting you might as well just train us properly," a boy spoke up, forcing Ace's gaze to snap towards him instantly.

I gulped when I saw the expression on my fiancé's face. The boy was no older than fifteen and I had a feeling he was going to be put in his place in an awful way.

"What did you just say?" Ace said with an angry expression on his face before rushing over to him and pulling him out of the crowd by his neck.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," the boy made a last minute decision to apologize but it was too late. "Well I'm not," Ace snapped at him, pushing him towards the ring by his neck and causing him to fall.

"Get in," he demanded and the boy just looked at him in fear.
He flinched and even I did at Ace's angry voice.

The younger one got into the ring and his whole body language screamed fear and horror. Ace got in the ring as well and started punching the boy repeatedly without a warning.

My body was trembling in shock but it quickly turned into rage and anger when Ace didn't stop. He screamed in pain and horror, I could see tears falling down his face and disappearing into his black hairline.

Even when he was knocked out by his head hitting the ground, Ace didn't stop. He was gonna punch him to death if nobody intervened in the following seconds.

I shot Archie a shocked look, expecting him to do something but his feet stayed rooted to the ground. I knew the only way to save this boy was to step in.

One more glance at Archie and I knew what I had to do. Because no one else was gonna do it. It was a split second decision and I didn't have enough time to think it through but I think even if I did, I'd still have reacted the same.

Archie gave me a warning look, symbolizing me not to do it but I was determined.
I got up on the stage and swung through the black rubber linings. A few gasps echoed from behind but I didn't stop. My body was moving on autopilot.

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