Chapter 2

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A week passed by and the meeting came closer and closer. I got ready, put on a black suit and made my way to the mansion it was going to take place at.

Stanislav Ivanov was the original owner of our Mafia but Vera somehow managed to make him let me attend the meeting instead. Her parents didn't know about our deal and it was better that way.

Me being the sucker for dramatic appearances I was, I arrived late on purpose. One of the Butlers already kept an eye on me as I approached the front door.

"Jack Rodrigues," I introduced myself approaching him. Right as I was about to pass, he held out his hand and made me stop. "You're not on our list."

"Stanislav Ivanov sent me. He called a few days ago to inform you about that," I explained with venom in my voice. He put his hand to his right ear, activating his microphone before talking. "Has Stanislav Ivanov called to- Yeah, yeah okay," he said before turning his gaze back to me.

"Follow me." We walked through the long corridors of the mansion until we reached a room with the door slightly open. The butler gestured his hand for me to enter.

"She's my fiancé," I heard my brother speak in a warning tone, followed by multiple voices of surprised men filling the room. That was my cue. I slid my hands out of my suit's jacket to readjust it. I then opened the door and swiftly walked in with my head held high, symbolizing my confidence.

"How does the literal devil get to marry a girl that is the complete opposite?"

On the whole way from the door to my seat, Mallory's eyes were glued to mine. She not once broke eye contact, which I found very impressive.

"Jack," Ace said with nothing but hatred in his voice. And according to the surprise plastered on Mallory's face, she had no idea we already knew each other.

During the evening I kept an eye on Mallory, analyzing her every move and facial expressions. Ace had his arm around her and in my opinion she looked rather amused than intimidated. Especially when she started grinning at a conversation about territorial matters.

Let's see what my beloved brother thinks of her.

"What are you grinning at?" I snapped at Mallory, whose face dropped immediately. Now she looked scared. "Don't talk to her like that!"

I was sitting in my office, writing some emails the next day when someone knocked at the door. I grumbled in response for the person to come in.

"What are you doing?" they asked, causing my gaze to shift up surprised. It was Vera. "Working," I answered nonchalantly before I turned my attention back to the screen in front of me. "What do you want?"

"There's an opera you have to attend tonight," she demanded, which, again, caused me to look up at her. "I have plans," I refused as she walked up to me, leaning against the edge of my table right next to me.

"But I really need you to go there and look after Mallory," she said with a sincere look before positioning behind me. I turned sideways uncomfortably to face her, looking her up and down with a frown on my face.

"I won't cancel my plans for you. This is not my job," I stated. "I'll give you head-" "Wow Vera, what the fuck?" I cursed as I quickly got up and turned to face her while bringing some distance in between us.

Now she looked angry. "I'll tell my dad to fire you," she threatened. "You won't do that because then he'll ask why and you're gonna have to tell him that you're friends with Niveen Morozov," I replied coldly. "And I'd like you to leave now because, unlike you, I have some work to do."

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