Chapter 65

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'You might want to sit down for this'

I reached forward to untie her before she flinched and ducked even further into the bathtub. She was definitely overreacting. I mean I wasn't the one who tied her up and locked her in my house.

"Chill out," I said. "I won't harm you....Not yet." Without a warning she took a swing, trying to place a fist onto my nose. I dodged her attempt easily and grabbed her wrists, making her look me in the eyes.

"Do. Not. Do that again," I demanded in a warning tone before she leaned in even closer. "Keep. Your. Hands. Off. Me," she threatened. "Okay then, good luck finding someone to free you," I winked at her before turning around to leave.

Right as I was about to exit the bathroom, she spoke again. "No wait." I stood, waiting for her to continue. "You free me and I'll tell you what you want to know if you swear not to harm me."

A devilish smirk stretched across my face before I dropped it and turned around to free her.

This was going to be very interesting....

Mallory's pov
My eyes tried to adjust to the light as I woke up from the surgery. I could see again, that was good. And the painkillers made me go almost completely numb which meant all that was left of the pain for now was a little pulsing in the back of my head.

"No I do not care what he's doing he needs to come now," I heard a familiar voice argue on the phone. To my dismay, it did not sound like Ace's. It was Cullen's.

"Oh, you're awake," he addressed me but he sounded more annoyed than happy. As if he wanted to say 'I told you she'd wake up'.

"Where's Ace?" I asked as I looked around the room. "I don't know," he threw his hands in the air before colliding them with the outsides of his legs. He then continued as he slowly approached my bed.

"We were at Jack's to punish him for kissing you when Ace found him overdosed in his room so we called an ambulance. He said I should go to the hospital already and he'd pack some clothes for Jack and be here before you wake up. Since then I haven't heard anything from him. That was 2 hours ago."

"Wait," a frown formed on my face and I lifted my hand as I tried to comprehend all the things he just said; starting off by the fact that Jack overdosed. "Jack overdosed?"

"Yeah, apparently. We don't know why. Wasn't that big of a surprise though, if you think of all the times he disappointed us already," he muttered.

"What the fuck, Cullen? Where is he? I need to see him," I said, shoving my blanket off me and sitting up. "No you are gonna stay in bed until a nurse checked on you," Cullen said, rushing over to me to press me back onto the mattress.

"I'll be your boss in just a few months so I'd be a little more careful if I was you. We wouldn't want Ace to know about your little rendezvous with the blonde bitch of a trainee you had, do we?" I said as I looked him dead in the eyes. Ace never approached Cullen for the incident which meant Cullen didn't know that I told Ace about this.

Cullen looked conflicted, though he eventually gave in with a sigh and stepped aside for me to get up.

I ripped the needle that was connected to a weird liquid out of my arm before I changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. Cullen turned around when he saw that I was heading to my bag.

"What room?" I asked before he turned back around to face me. "Mal you really shouldn't-" "The room, Cullen," I demanded in a dangerous tone, causing him to drop his shoulders with a sigh. "360."

I nodded at him as I put on my second shoe and then rushed to room 360. Jack was lying in a single room with only one bed like mine. At least Ace made sure of that.

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