Chapter 51

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My face dropped. "Ace?" I said as I grabbed his head and moved it from side to side but it just wobbled, following the movements I made.

"ACE" I screamed as more tears streamed down my face and then Jack and Archie approached us.

Jack grabbed me and pulled me away from his brother while Archie called an ambulance and kneeled down to him.

"Mal come on" Jack muttered, his voice just as vulnerable as mine was a few seconds ago.

"No" I cried as I tried to free myself out of his grasp but he tightened it. "NO" I screamed at the top of my lungs while wobbling and kicking the air and panting like crazy.

"Mallory you need to stop" Jack said as he pulled me further away from my love. The love that was bleeding to death just a few foot away from me.
Tears rolled down my face and blurred my view.

"Ace!" I screamed again when Jack finally dropped to the ground a few foot away from the scene with me still in his arms.

"Jack let me see him" I cried desperately. "You know I can't do that." "He's dying! He needs me" I screamed as more tears left my eyes. "The doctors are coming. He won't die, Mal" he assured in a calm voice but I could hear the hurt and panic in it.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him and he did not let go of me neither. Then my breathing started to ease as I got dizzier before everything went black.

I was lying in bed looking at the white ceiling above. My eyes were puffy and burned when I closed them. My hair was greasy and the hoodie I have worn for the past 3 days must've smelt from all the sweat my body released.

Ace didn't die that day.

After Archie had managed to stop the bleeding a helicopter came to bring Ace to the nearest hospital. He was on the edge of glory already but they managed to save him after a hourlong surgery.

Jack brought me home and ever since I arrived I had been lying in bed, staring at the ceiling apart from sleeping.

Archie came over every few hours or he even lived with me - I don't know. I haven't left Ace's room a single time. I wanted to visit him but the doctors said no one was allowed to see him due to the critical condition he was in. He didn't even wake up yet.

I nearly fell asleep, exhausted from all the crying when I heard a knock at the door followed by Archie's voice. "Malmal, can I come in?"

I didn't answer.

"I'm coming in now" he said with a sigh after a few seconds of silence had passed.

"Wow when was the last time you opened the windows in here?" he said as he sniffled up the air that was left in the room. Then he went over to the window and opened it.

I turned away to my side when I heard his footsteps approaching me, followed by a dip on the bed a few seconds later.

"You need to get up, Malmal. Take a shower and then come downstairs."

I glared at him angrily before turning my gaze back to the ceiling. My arm suddenly got whipped to the side and a second later I felt Archie picking me up to stand.

"No" I snapped at him with a warning look on my face. "Oh she can talk. I thought Jack ruined your vocal cords when he injected you with the anesthesia" he joked but I just glared at him.

Jack injected me with anesthesia when I tried to get back to Ace. I didn't even know why he had it with him.

He claimed it was 'necessary in order to keep me still'.

I rolled my eyes and shot Archie a evil glance. "Oh come on just take a fucking shower and eat something" he was starting to get impatient so eventually I got up because I did not want to mess with him.

I got on my feet a little too fast and a excruciating pain made my head pound. I almost collapsed to the floor again but Archie grabbed my on a instant.

"Mal when was the last time you have eaten let alone drank something?" he asked in shock. "The morning before Ace got shot" I answered in a wince because my stomach and head hurt like crazy.

"For fucks sa-" "Don't" I immediately cut him off, trying to block out the memories of Ace that caused my heart to shrink painfully.

"Sorry" he muttered with a guilt-ridden expression on his face and I wasn't sure wether he apologized to me or to himself.

Archie too felt extremely guilty. He was looking after Nikita who got shot in the leg and didn't see Nadia aiming at Ace. The others tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault but he felt guilty anyway.

He picked me up and walked me down to the kitchen where he sat me down on a high chair. He then fiddled with something on the kitchen counter but I didn't bother to turn and see what exactly he did.

I rested my head on my arms in front of me and buried my face in Ace's hoodie, my nose was already touching the cold stone from the counter, causing it to fog up. I didn't know if it was just in my imagination but I could still smell his scent on the hoodie.

"Archie I have great news for you-" Jack's voice suddenly chimed through the room combined with his footsteps approaching. My head immediately whipped in his direction and he just looked at me in shock.

"Hey Princess" he said in his usual charming way, though the expression on his face gave away how shocked he really was. I didn't want to know how terrible I looked but judging by the way he eyed me it must've been bad.

"What great news do you have?" Archie pulled us both out of our thoughts and I glanced at him for a split second before turning my expectant gaze back to Jack.

"He's stable. The doctors said he might wake up in the next few days."

"Ace will wake up?" I burst out, my mood suddenly shifting from depressed to hopeful. "We have to see him" I jumped up from the chair but immediately regretted this.

My head got dizzy and my vision blurry before it went black for a second.

"Mallory" "Malmal" Jack and Archie shouted before I felt them holding me by my upper arms and sit me back down on the chair.

"For fucks sake would you eat and drink something now? Otherwise you won't even be able to make it to the hospital unless we have to call an ambulance" Archie cursed and yelled at me and my heart sunk in my chest.

He was right but he never yelled at me before. Tears welled up my eyes and a lump formed in my throat and no matter how hard I tried to hold it back, it didn't work.

The second he saw my glossy eyes his face and shoulders dropped. "No I didn't mean that. Come here" he sighed before wrapping his arms around me.

Suddenly everything came to the surface. I cried and sobbed uncontrollably, wetting Archie's hoodie from all the tears in the process.

"I couldn't save him" I cried and Archie tightened his grip around me. "You were in no position to save him. It was out of your control" he said.

"But what if-" "Malmal there is no 'what if'. It happened but now he's save again, okay? It's not your fault" he said as he cupped my face and slightly shook it, almost as if he wanted to wake me up or something.

I nodded hesitantly earning one back in response. He then turned around and handed me a plate with a sandwich on it.

I frowned but he just raised his eyebrows expecting me to eat it so I did. I forced the first few bites down and suddenly a sandwich has never tasted that good before.

I ate it down in the course of 2 minutes and then suddenly felt the most motivated in days. Ace was gonna wake up and I had to be ready for it.

Okay so Ace didn't die yayyyy

Were you scared or did you know he wasn't going to die? Lmk what you think of the chapters and the way his plan absolutely did not work out hahhaha

Have a nice day/night!

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