Chapter 34

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"What's wrong?" I asked as I closed the wooden door to his office. Ace rushed his hands through the hair on the back of his head as he took a few steps further into the room.

"We have way too much money and yet we're fucking short on workmen" he swore before slamming his fist on the desk causing my to startle.

I slowly approached him and brung my hands around his waist. "We'll find a solution" I said as he supported himself with his hands on the desk. "It's not that easy" he said in a more calm voice. "I mean I can help you with the too much money problem" I joked earning a slight chuckle.

"We'll be fine. I promise we will find more members but shooting a trainee won't help with that." "I know it's just- They annoy me so much" he explained.

I planted a kiss on his back and started massaging his tense shoulders. "You're pretty tense" I stated almost disturbed at how much this must've hurt.

"Sit down" I said with a sigh as I gestured my head to his chair at the other end of the table. He did so and I sat down on his lap, facing him. I unbuttoned his white shirt and slid it off his muscular body. Then I started massaging his shoulders and neck while he watched me in complete awe.

He was starting to relax a little when he brung his hands to my ass and slid them up to my waist. The second his hands touched my bare skin, the feeling sent shivers down my spine. He was so rough on everyone but then so gentle when we were alone.

"I think I should massage you now" he murmured before pulling me even closer and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feeling when he started moving my hips up and down slightly.

I grabbed his hair with one hand and slid the other over his back. I stopped as curiosity overcame me when I felt weird, long lines on his skin.

"What is that?" I asked with furrowed brows before taking a look over his shoulder. "Oh my god" I gasped in shock as I saw a few scratches that I caused the day before. "I'm so sorry" I said but he just laughed. "What did you expect?" he asked, amused by my reaction. "I don't know I-" I stopped and shook my head overwhelmed. "I guess I'm just too good in bed. Maybe I should hold back a little the next time" he said sarcastically causing me to chuckle. "I dare you" I threatened.

"What are you gonna do about it?" he asked in a provocative voice. "I don't have to do anything. I know you can't hold back around me" I winked at him before trying to get up but he was quick to hold me firmly in place by my hips.

"You want to get up?" he asked with raised eyebrows but before I could answer he got up and sat me down on the desk, my legs wrapped around him. "Normally I would fuck the shit out of you right now but you look like you were pretty sore from yesterday" he teased me and I immediately felt a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

I wanted to say something when suddenly someone knocked at the door. "What?" Ace growled and a second later Cullen came in. "Ace, we have a problem."

My face dropped when I saw how concerned Cullen looked. "The squat you sent out to the location the woman claimed was her office" he started but then stopped and I could tell how scared he was. "What?" Ace asked, starting to get impatient. "They- There was a bomb fired and everyone died" he blurted out and my heart skipped at beat.

Ace got away from me while grabbing his hair and taking a deep breath. I locked eyes with Cullen when suddenly our attention was caught by a loud slam, caused by Ace who punched his wall and loudly screamed afterwards. "FUUUUCK"

I jumped and so did Cullen. I got up but before I could reach him he stormed out of the room. "You, stay there" Cullen said before rushing after him.

I knew what I had to do. The Rodrigues Mafia was the most powerful one right now but if we kept on losing members this would change in the course of a few months. And we still had at least one mole between us according to the woman that tried to kill me. I could've punched myself for not even knowing her name.

I took out my phone and typed a message to a certain person. I knew he was the only one that could help us. Then I made my way outside to our parking area.

"What brings me the pleasure?" Jack asked with a hint of sarcasm as I approached the gate. I put my hand on the scanner to open it and stepped out as the big doors slowly opened themselves. "We need to talk" I said in a serious tone before the gate closed again.

"I knew it. His dick is small and you want me to show you what good sex really is" he said in amusement as well as satisfaction and I grimaced and pulled my head back in confusion. "Wait let me guess, don't tell me" he continued while raising his index finger. "2 inches" he nodded his head, smiling proudly and confident with his guess after a few seconds of thinking.

"Jack, you're twins. You are literally the same" I said in disbelief. "Wha-?" he asked confused and when the realization kicked in he frowned hysterically while gesturing his arms in the air. "Oh come on 8 inches are such a rarity he can't be the same size as me." I just chuckled and shook my head in disbelief.

"Can we skip to the serious part now?" I changed the subject. "So you really ordered me here to talk?" I just raised my eyebrows at him and he frowned again. "Fine what's the matter?"

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