Chapter 53

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"Come on" Jack said as we arrived at his mansion. It was similar to Ace's at least from the outside.

He unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door for me because my hands were still covered in dried blood.

The blood of his father. The blood of Ace's father. How was he going to react? What if he would be angry?

I got separated from my thoughts when I could feel cold water run over my hands, making me startle. I somehow got into Jack's bathroom and he was washing the blood off my hands.

His big fingers rubbed my knuckles soothingly as I watched as the red water ran clear.

"What were you thinking? Were you even thinking?" he asked but to my surprise his voice was calm, just as soothing as the cold water.

I looked up at him as his gaze shifted down to me. We were only inches away from each other. And as his eyes flicked down to my lips I turned back to the sink awkwardly; away from him.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked to break the awkward silence that filled the room, making it seem 3 times smaller. "Uhm yeah sure" he answered hesitantly at first while bringing his hand up behind his neck to brush his fingers through his hair.

He walked over to the door. "I'll tell Archie to bring some of your clothes over and" he stopped for a few seconds as he turned around to face me again. "ask him how my f- Dominic is."

I felt sick to my stomach at the thought.

As I locked the door I stripped down and inspected my back in the big mirror hanging over the sink.

It had already turned into a bruise and it hurt like a bitch. The skin on my chin was slightly scratched but it wasn't bad or anything.

I hopped into the shower and then realized that the dumbest thing had happened to me.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath as I realized I had not asked for a towel. Using Jack's was no option so I had to figure out what to do.

I grabbed my phone and called Jack.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Please tell me Arch is still here" I said as I closed my eyes, shivering at how cold I was. The air in the bathroom was damp and every other person would probably have started sweating but being used to the warm water and also wet made me cold.

"Uhm no he left like 5 minutes ago, why? Do you need something from there?"

"Fuck" I muttered. "No I-" I sighed at the awkward situation this was turning into. "I need a towel."

There was silence on the other line before Jack started laughing. "Yeess very funny I'm cold hurry up" I urged before hanging up.

A minute later I heard a knock at the door.

"I have the towel" Jack stated, the volume of his voice shut down by the wood that separated us.

"Okay uhm" I started. How was he going to get the towel in there? "I'll just lay it on the-" "Don't" I almost yelled at him. "Don't lay it on the floor" I said.

"Just- Just close your eyes" I demanded before opening the door just a slit to grab the towel and then I immediately slammed the door shut again.

"Thank you." "Never mind" he said before I heard his footsteps disappear.

"What do you want to eat with your pasta?" he asked as I came down to the living room after I got ready.

"I'll take butter" I answered earning a surprised look from him. "You wouldn't get it if I explained it" I forestalled before he could ask any questions with a smile on my face.

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