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"You can't do this to me, dad. You can't decide my life, you can't decide who I'm gonna get married to!"

Bible considers himself a cool man, he is usually patient and calm in handling any kind of situation but hearing the news from both of his parents this morning made his blood boil. He respects both of them but to decide something so big involving his future is wrong. They are no longer living in past generations where you have to accept anyone as your partner decided by your parents.

It's 2022 for god sake.

They are sitting down at the dining table having their breakfast when Mr. and Mrs. Sumettikul breaks the news to him. This is ridiculous, he is not a young kid to follow his parent's order especially when it is regarding his own life.

"Listen to your dad first Bible, don't simply reject whatever he said"

his mom trying hard to ease the heated situation. Her husband and her only son are similar when being stubborn. The gene really does work for this one attitude.

"What else should I listen to? You and dad are now telling me to get married and it's with someone I don't even know. Who the fuck is Build Jakapan? Tell me how can I be calm over this? I'm not a kid why can't I decide my own life? This is unfair, this is ridiculous!"


Mr. Sumettikul who is only listening to his son's rage from just now stands up from his chair, face red trying to control his anger.

"you better follow what we tell you or I'll cut your name off from our family list"

he threatens him but Bible only laughs it off. Such kind of threats will no longer work on him. He is not living his life by sucking off his parents' money. He is not stupid, he has had his own stable career and savings since he was young. He did not even care about his family's inheritance. This is not a typical chaebol drama his parents trying to play.

"you think I care about your wealth dad? You must be kidding me"

Bible clamps his hand hard. Nails digging on his pale white palm he can feel it's gonna bleed.

Mrs. Sumettikul grasps Bible's shaking hands while whispering to her husband to calm down. Mr. Sumettikul who noticed the current state back to sit down, drinking water to clear his throat. He should not be too worked up over this situation when it is not the right time. Bible is aware of why his dad suddenly sit down and quiet, he knows it was because of him.

"listen son, you may think this is unfair for you but you've got no choice. Agree or.."

"Or what?" Bible angrily asked.

His dad's sudden calmness will not stop him from being mad. He does not care. He does not bother.

"Or right now, it's only a matter of time before I took back everything from Faith Organisation. I'll only need to call my lawyer and make everything vanish. Trust me, you will never see them anymore."

His words stung in Bible's heart, is it real that his dad now using the organisation as his weapon? He ponders, but Mr. Sumettikul's eyes are firm. There is no sign of joking from him.

"Dad you can't be real, not the organisation dad. Why are you doing this to me?"

His voice is slow. Eyes losing their focus.

"Mom, tell me it's not real. Why are you involving Faith in this issue? You can't do this to me"

he is now holding his mom's hands hard, begging to spare the organisation. Faith should not be the victim of his personal issue.

"Bible, tell me you agree or one phone call and it's gone"

Mr. Sumettikul is already holding onto his phone to get ready to make a call, he is not playing around, and their decision is firm. He will do anything to make sure Bible agree with their decision.

"Bible, son..please" his mom pleads. Bible eyes his parents. This is the most ridiculous situation he ever faced and he knows there is no other choice, he is at a dead end.

Bible considers himself a cool person, but that was before, now he thinks the cool Bible is dead and the reason lies in one man named Build Jakapan.


Build is informed about the news by his father when he is on his way to the childcare.

"Build, it's been years right? I really hope to see someone to take care of my son. I think this is the right time for that, can you consider it son? It's my only wish now"

his father's words are clear and careful. As someone who never disobey his parents, Build is left with no choice. He does not want to hurt his father's heart by directly rejecting the suggestion.

"papa, you know how I feel right? You know who I love?"

He wishes his father can understand his situation. It is too sudden for another life-changing decision and he does not want to rush things.

He grabs his father's wrinkled hand and caresses it softly.

"papa, please give me some time, I'm not ready. I'm not asking for more, can you please understand me?"

he looks at Mr. Puttha, eyes glistening with hope asking his father for some consideration. The news are too sudden for him. Throughout his life, there is only one man for him and he does not think he can replace him with anyone else.

"If that is what you want, it's okay Build, I'll tell Sumettikul about this. I'm not gonna force you dear, now go or you're gonna be late, son"

his father shoo him out while smiling brightly at him. Build is grateful he has the most understanding and the most loving father in this world.

"Thank you papa, I love you. Goodbye"

He kisses his father's forehead and waves at him before going out. Mr. Puttha waves his son goodbye eagerly not that Build knows it is gonna be the last goodbye he will ever receive from his father.

It's 2 in the evening when he receives a call from his father's assistant telling him that Mr. Puttha is in the hospital and his condition is critical. It's thirty minutes past three when doctors tell him that his father cannot be saved and it's a day after his death Build is given a letter written with a final wish of his father which is to see him getting married to a certain guy named Bible Wichapas Sumettikul.

Build Jakapan wishes he can be a bad son and runs away from the will. He wishes he never opens and reads the letter. He wishes he can follow his father and meet both of his parents in heaven. He wishes his life not to turn out like this. 

What kind of destiny game he's playing right now?

He sleeps that night accompanied by nonstop tears cascading down his pale reddened cheeks. Now he has no one else left in this world. 

How much stronger he can be? Is there any love left for him?


The first chapter and this was it. If anyone has read the original version of this story, please be reminded that I am the same author who wrote the book. Thank you

Really appreciate your support^^

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