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< This was taken part a few hours before Build overheard the conversation >

It's two in the afternoon when Us began with his plot.

He met Build first.

He began by crying poorly on the phone, asking to meet him in urgent, saying it's now or never, voice straining in pain and resentment until Build agreed.


He ran and hugged him fast. Fat tears wet Build's shoulder.

"Thank you for willing to meet me. I know it must be not easy."

He thanked the younger man and held his hands.

Build remained quiet. He didn't know how to react to the sudden intimacy. Us grabbed his hand to sit down on the bench near them. Luckily the weather was cloudy and a bit windy so Build didn't feel too dizzy being outside.

"Just tell me what you want to say Us."

He has doubts about him. He couldn't put all his trust since he knows how Us was. He refused to easily believe in someone who used to or still hates him.

Us couldn't lift his head, both hands clasping on his lap. His tears dropped on it, sobbing dreadfully.

"I know I don't deserve to talk to you. I was too harsh to hate you straight away when you are so kind Build. I was mad that Bible left me as if I didn't mean anything to him. We have been in love for eight years, I thought we really could end up together."

Us looked at him, eyes painted with guilt. Purposely using the eight years card to make the other realises who is the one ruining their relationship.

"I'm sorry Build, now I don't have anything to do with Bible anymore, I really hope you guys can live happily ever after."

A genuine smile is carved on his face, sincerely hoping Build can forgive him. 

Maybe for the fake acting in front of him now.

Build knew Us wanted him to feel bad over their ruined relationship but Build is rational, one-sided love would not make any relationship works. He believes Bible chose him out of his sincere love.

"Well I'm sorry if you think I'm the one who caused that but maybe that's how it is. Thank you for your apology but I wish this will be the last time we meet. I don't think you're ready to meet me anymore."

Clearly uncomfortable with the meeting, Build only wanted to leave the park. If Us sincerely apologised and admitted to his mistakes, then that would be it. He hoped Us would not have anything to do with them anymore.

If this is not acting, Us would already slap Build's face. Too heated over the calm expression of the other even when he low-key blamed him over his ruined relationship with Bible but Us resisted, he has to be a good guy here.

"But you look pale Build, would you like me to buy you water, don't worry it's only at the back there. Can you hold my bag? I'll be quick. If I'm late look for me there okay? Don't leave yet, please."

That was it. 

That was the trap. The setting timeframe Us plotted to trick both Build and Bible. He knew he will purposely be late, he knew Build would try to find him. He knew Bible was already waiting for him at their usual place as he asked him beforehand. 

He knew Build would exactly be behind Bible to "accidentally" listen to their conversation.

He knew that was how both of them would fall into his game.

Us knew because this is his plan to expose Bible's secret to Build. He wanted to make Build suffer because he was too dumb to believe that love exists.

If Us cannot be happy with Bible, he will not allow anyone else to feel happiness. Not Build not even Bible himself.

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