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[ Note: no explicit warning just beware of some physical and emotional distress ]

[TW: Violence//blood]

Now it left Build with Us and the poor knocked-out informer in the small dark room. Build wishes he was not dead. No innocent lives should become a victim of their problem. Everything has its own reasons and every reason has its own solutions.

"Why are you doing this Us? Please don't do something that will ruin you. Please think carefully."

Dragging his body flushed against the wall behind him to hide his hands, Build can feel the rope tying on his hands slowly loosening from his constant moving. Now his wrists are all swollen and bleeding from the harsh tugs.

Us is squatting in front of him. His small body hovering over powerless Build. Face fierce with hatred and jealousy.

"You are asking me why? You are the fucking reason Build Jakapan. You took Bible away from me. You make him hate me. You broke our relationship then you can ask me why bitch?"

Us slaps the face again. Build's teeth accidentally bite on the lips, causing them to bleed more. His head bumped hard into the wall. He can feel his head spinning again. His body tottering.

"Stop...Us please..."

"No. You took Bible then you wanted Jeff too? They are mine Build. They are mine before you snatched them away from me. I hate you. I fucking hate you!"

Us is out of himself. He grips Build's neck, choking him hard, making the other struggle for air. Build's legs are thrashing away, his body squirming hard. His fingers scratch the hard wall. His breathing shortened. His eyes rolled. His throat burns. He needs to breathe. Please. Please.


Someone pushes Us away causing him to stumble down the floor. His shoulders heave. His breath shuttered. Coming back from his possessed state.

Build is coughing intensely. Gasping aloud for breath. His voice hoarsen.

They are crazy. Both of them are crazy.

"Woo chill...Us. Are you going to kill him right away? Poor pretty guy. You see his baby there. You want to kill that too?"

Build wants to scream. Please just focus on him. Don't mention his babies. Don't do anything to his babies. Don't touch them.

"I thought you were born an orphan. Did you want to make those babies born without seeing their parents just like you too? Wasn't it painful Khun Us? Wasn't it lonely to be in this world by yourself? You are not that evil right? Ouch, my poor baby."

Perth quivers. Having goosebumps just from the thoughts. Obviously, it's an act. Pretending to sympathise with the action when he's actually taunting Us. 

Love to see the dazed reaction of the smaller man. Love to see him getting crazier over his scornful words. 

Perth's words stabbed right into Us's heart making his eyes blink fast. His lips tremble. He stares right at Build, hands grabbing on the body before forcing him up. Build is still flushed against the wall. His back hurts. His stomach churns. His legs staggering.

"You are not my match Build. I don't care if you die. I don't care if your baby die. You challenged me before. Your threats won't ruin me. You're only a piece of shit for me Build Jakapan. You will never win."

Build shakes his head. Baffled by what Us is accusing him into.

"What threats? I don't know anything. What do you mean? You should just stop Us. Don't do anything based on your emotions. Think! You are better than this."

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