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"Sorry the number you have dialled is busy, please try again later"

It is the nth time Us has tried to reach Bible but the other is still not attending to his call.

"Arghh! Where are you Bible?!"

Us is pissed, after he arrived late at the event Apo told him Bible had an emergency so Us was ditched by him. He felt so awkward and uncomfortable that he was left alone in the house.

Yes, he knew Apo and Mile as all of them were from Faith but he needed Bible. The man promised to meet him but he couldn't reach him since yesterday.

He keeps calling for him but the other never picks up.

"Bible Wichapas, how dare you!" He screams.

Us stomps his foot angry with the ignored calls and missing news from his lover. He's gonna teach him a lesson for ignoring him when he gets back to Bangkok. How dare Bible easily ignored him. They even planned to have a date together in Chiang Mai. This idiot is making him mad.

Where is he?

Us needs to de-stress, being alone in Chiang Mai without Bible makes him feels irritated and bored and he has to relax.

He's out of his room dressed alluringly in tight leather pants and a crop top before heading to the most luxurious club in Chiang Mai. He needs to release all his pent-up anger and annoyance towards Bible. He has been stressed the whole week especially when it's added to his continuous fight with Jeff. He is outraged. 

That is why he just wants to have fun, get drunk and who knows get laid altogether. He is Us Nititorn and no one can stop him.


Apo prepares warm chamomile tea for his husband. Mile looks distracted by the undisclosed secret that he had kept for years. He puts the tea on the coffee table, sits beside Mile and massages his husband's arms softly.

"Teerak, are you okay?"

He asks his husband, having lots of unanswered questions and confusion but Apo stays calm. He doesn't want to add a burden to his husband's mind.

Mile doesn't realise Apo's presence as he's too committed to the past memories replaying in his mind.

"Oh..baby I'm sorry. I'm too lost in my thoughts"

he takes the warm tea offered by his husband and sips the drink. It's sweet and refreshing, the fruitiness and herbal aftertaste sort of soothing his twisted mind.

"I don't know if I'm okay, baby. This is so sudden. I've never expected to meet Build again especially after he refused to see everyone related to Nodt. He left Chiang Mai soon after Nodt's funeral. That was so difficult for him."

He sighs. He pities Build. The young boy lost two of the important person in his life in the span of two years. It was not easy for him.

"Nodt was so important to Build"

Mile begins, knowing his husband will always listen and accompany him reminiscing through the memories.

"Just as much Build was so important to him. I've known him for more than four years during our study and practice together. He was such a good man, a very hard-working man and I salute him.

I always saw him smiling every time he talked about Build, the happiness and relief in Nodt's face every time Build called him, reminded him to eat, to sleep and to take care of himself. They're such a beautiful pair. Nodt was the biggest fool in love I always told him that. "

Mile stops, taking a deep breath, smiling small. Apo stays beside him listening to his husband attentively. He holds Mile's hands to calm him.

"When he told me he registered as the organ donor, I still remember that I asked him what was the reason and you know what was his answer baby?"

Mile looks at Apo, his husband's face is laced with curiosity.

"Nodt told me if one day his time has come to leave earlier than Build, he wanted at least any part of his body to stay living for him. He said if all of these years he promised to live for Build he would make sure he keeps that promise even though he was no longer here. He wanted to take care of and accompany Build even though he was physically not around anymore"

I guess he is happy that his dream comes true, my friend's heart keeps beating inside Bible now."

Mile smiles suddenly remembering how Nodt's face lights with eagerness and hope when he told him about the reason.

Apo is already crying beside him. He doesn't really know Nodt aside from what Mile used to tell him. Listening to Mile's story makes him more respectful and proud of the man. Nodt is such a kind and thoughtful person so no wonder meeting Mile shocked Build. They love each other so much it hurts Build to be reminded of Nodt.

"Babe, you don't have to blame yourself for this. There is always a reason behind everything that happened. I am sure time will heal. Bible and Build are going to be okay. Let's support both of them okay."

he assures Mile. He knows it's a dark secret Mile had to keep in his heart but Apo is a positive person, he is sure one day Bible and Build will find love in each other, he witnessed it once during the dodgeball incident in Faith House.

How Bible ran fast to shield the unprotected Build and how Build looked so worried over his husband's swollen back. There will be love between them and the love will keep budding in both Bible and Build's hearts.

Apo knows it will happen and he will keep on believing that.


Thank you for loving this.

Filler chapter centres on Mileapo's pov.

Thank you for your understanding lovelies^^

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