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"Biben, if I ask you a question can you promise to answer it with your whole heart?"

Build asked Bible one day when they had just gotten back from the hospital for his 7 months pregnancy check-up.

It's sudden but this curiosity has always been floating on his mind ever since the early months of his pregnancy. Bible eyed him weirdly. Confused with such a request from his husband.

"What do you mean?"

Bible sat down, joining his husband on the couch.

"Nu-uh, promise me first can you answer it with your whole heart? No lying, no second thoughts?"

Build looked serious. His eyes stared right at Bible. Waiting eagerly until his husband finally nodded.

"Okay listen~naa. One day, if something happens and you are given the option to choose between me or our baby who would you pick?"

That shocked Bible. His mouth opened wide. His forehead wrinkled. Is Build serious? What is he even thinking? What's with the question? He didn't realise that he kept on silent, not responding or answering Build.

"Ben please...you nodded just now. Just answer me."

Bible didn't know what pregnancy magazines or articles his husband read, he didn't know what talks or seminars his husband attended but one thing he knew was he hated the question. Not even once in his mind, he thought of losing either Build or his baby.

No way. Never.

"What are you talking about Biu. What's with the ridiculous question? I'm not discussing this."

Bible moved to stand when Build grabbed his hand, urging him to sit down again.

"I mean there will always be some possibilities. You will never know. Yes, I'll be safe. Both of us will be. I only need to know your answer because I know what is mine already."

Build caressed his husband's hands softly, intertwining each of their fingers together before kissing the knuckles. Bible's large veiny hands always fit perfectly with his small delicate ones.

"I don't want to know your answer baby. Stop talking nonsense like this. It's not healthy for you."

Bible tried to persuade his husband to stop, not willing to listen to his gibberish. He could already assume the answer but he kept it hidden deep inside his heart. Ignoring it like a passing air.

Whatever it is Build cannot decide for him. Bible tried to direct the focus away but his husband resisted, his face is nothing but serious. Eyes kept staring at Bible. One hard tug on Bible's hands made him focus on the beautiful face in front of him. Relented.

"Please. Just listen to me once. If one day you'd have to choose between me or our baby, please choose them okay-."

"Build stop-"

"Shhh...I have not finished babe. Please choose our baby instead of me and please take care of them well, nurture them with your whole support and care and please love them more than you love me. Every night before they sleep please tell them a story about me, tell them that I love them so much, that I never wanted to leave-"

Build chokes up. His voice stuttered. Suddenly reminded of what his mom used to say. Those who experienced pregnancies are super strong. Their fate is between living and dying. If you're not strong enough to bear your child, you may lose them because of your own weakness.

Sometimes fate will make you choose and you will never know which one is right or which one is wrong. Risks are everywhere. No one can predict what will happen on that day. It makes him tremble. Build cannot imagine if only Bible had to choose between them. No way he would allow his husband to sacrifice their baby but would it be the right decision for them too?

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