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[ beware of the use of profanities here ]

It's almost three months since Bible suggested being more civil with each other and Build could see his efforts. Bible always came home early, having a small talk with Build about their daily routine and work chores and Build was fine with it. He slowly accepted how his husband is gradually changing.

He doesn't know the reason but people do change for the better right?

They are back to acknowledging each other's presence in the house. It's possible. It's less awkward. It's subtle. They are two people who are living together seeking mutual understanding and they are working on it.

Build is preparing to go home, planning to stop at the mart to stock up on his groceries when he suddenly thinks of his husband. Is it okay to ask him along? Will Bible accompany him to shop for their house needs together? His hand itches to reach for the phone and calls Bible but he hesitates.

Can he do that?

A ringing sound surprises him, seeing it's Bible who reaches out for him first.


"Hello Build what are you doing, are you home?"

Softly he asks Build. He loves Bible's voice like this. It's kind, it's calm, it's not commanding.

"Urm... I'm almost done. I'm going home now but I'll have to stop by the mart before that..."

he stops, wondering if it's fine to ask Bible.


"Hmm" the other hums, waiting for him to continue.

Build can feel his face hot, why is he suddenly so embarrassed? It's just a question, an offer. Why is he acting like a teenage boy in love?

"Can- can you join me for shopping, like I mean if you want to, like if you have time...I mean it's fine if you don't want but-" he doesn't realise he speaks too fast out of his nervousness.

"Hey, calm down. Okay, I'll go with you. Let me pick you up from your office then we'll go alright? See you Biu and the line cuts.

Build almost lost the grip on his phone, his cheeks beaming red due to his sudden shyness, is Bible even real? Did he really call him by his nickname? Build? Biu? He never did this before.

Build can feel his heart thumping fast, the tingly feeling makes his whole body hot. The nervousness is rising up.

Why is Bible doing this?


"Where are you going Us? We have more things to discuss."

Jeff stops Us who prepares to go out of his office. Us is given a break for three months after he successfully wrapped up his drama shooting and photoshoot. Usually, when he's on break, Bible will bring him on a trip to spend their time together but this time, he can sense the other was distancing himself from him and he knows what is the reason for that.

Build Jakapan.

"Why do you bother?"

He asks Jeff angrily, hand keeping on redialling on Bible's number. The other never bothers to call him even after he ditched him alone in Chiang Mai.

"Jeff, do you know where is Bible? Why he didn't pick up my calls? Did you meet him?"

"No, I didn't meet him. We're both busy. Why are you asking? He's your boyfriend, not mine."

Jeff purposely stresses the boyfriend's word to annoy him. The other never listen to him though. Us looks at him irritatedly. 

It hits the nerve he guesses.

"Not funny Jeff, he must be with his stupid husband, urgh I'm so mad. He never did this to me!"

He storms out of the room unbothered by Jeff who shouts for his name. 

He has to meet them. How dare they do this to him. It's ridiculous.


Build walks out from the centre to his car at the side of the road to wait for Bible. Praying his day will turn better day after day. It's fine to do this right? It's domestic. It is what two people do to be civil with each other. 

He is focusing on his phone when he heard the voice.

"Build Jakapan!!!"

It's Us's voice. Roaring. All loud and exasperated.

He looks behind him when he saw Us storming fast towards him, forehead wrinkled, the face is all vexed and angry. 

Eyes boring into him.


Build falls down the road. The attack is too sudden he cannot prepare himself for it. His palm scratched from the tarred road, impact from him bracing down from the fall. The skin starts to bleed and swell.

"What are you doing?! What is the reason for this?"

Build is dumbfounded, why is Us here to attack him? He gets up, steadying his stand, face red holding his anger. His phone shattered from the fall.

"You are the reason, your presence is the reason Bible ignored me. Where the hell did you hide him? Tell me where is Bible? How dare you slut!"

Us braces Build's shoulders firmly shaking him like a possessed man.

"Stop Us, don't touch me!"

Build tries to detach himself from the grip. It's strong, it's possessive.

"Get yourself together, I don't hide Bible from you. Your relationship has nothing to do with me"

he holds the hand that is starting to squeeze hard on his arms. 

This man is out of himself now.

Us laughs, he doesn't care even if he's in the public. Everyone should know the man in front of him is an intruder who destroys his relationship. Let the world know how cheap Build Jakapan is to ruin his relationship with Bible.

Build Jakapan will never beat him.

"I know you bitch, why are you acting so kind and strong when you're only a weak and cheap slut  who's whoring with my lover, know your place bitch. Bible will never love you. Don't you dare to come between us, I hate you- fucking whore"

and all those curses from Us ringing in Build's ears making his blood boils, he's a normal human. He has his own limits. He has his own pride.

Build raises his hand wanting to slap the face, the mouth that keeps on cursing and mocking him.


Build shouts, his hand hanging high trying to slap the face.



Build's personality is so calm and understanding, don't worry guys he knows what is he doing

And Us Nititorn.. well well well

PANG! It feels like a dejavu. Bible did this before ;((

Anyway, thank you for reading ^^

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