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"What the fuck is this?"

Us throws the collection of photos taken by the Despatch caught him kissing in the house of one famous director in Thailand. This is the first time he has been threatened like this throughout his career. No one dares to mess with him before.

"So tell me if you have any relationship with the director."

Jeff orders. The news is almost spreading to the internet if it's not because of Jeff paying lumps of money to the informant. That will stop them for a while.

"Are you crazy? I went to his house because I wanted to get the main role cast for his film. Do you think I'm that low standard to be in love with that horny old man?"

He sits down on the swivel chair, furious that his day is spoiled with the paparazzi photos.

"I trust you Jeff, just pay them with what they want. You always deal with things like this before. I'm not the only artist you manage, I'm sure you can handle it. Either way, cheap scandals like this won't bring me down."

He smacks his lips. Smiling smugly. If they think he would fall for such a threat, they must not know who is Us Nititorn yet.

"Anything else to discuss because I don't have time for this crap anymore."

He stands up from his chair wants to get out of the room, doesn't want to spend so much time with Jeff or else the other would be too nosy with his life.

"What did you do to Build and Bible?."

Jeff suddenly asks, blocking him from walking out of the door.

"What do you mean what did I do? I didn't do anything. What's wrong with that weak guy?"

Us replies, not even a piece of guilt appeared on his face.

"You are too much Us. Let them live with their lives. Move on. Don't disturb Bible and Build anymore. Don't hurt Build, he has nothing to do with you."

Us is mad. Why is everyone backing up Build? Why is everyone siding with him? Bible, Mile, Apo and even Jeff? Why do people blame him when he didn't even touch him? Build deserved it, it was just a simple warning for ruining his life.

"Why is everyone on his side? He took Bible from me, he ruined our relationship!."

he snaps. Eyes piercing into Jeff.

"That was only the beginning Jeff, I can make him suffer more so he knows who he's dealing with. Don't challenge me!."

Jeff tightens his grip on the smaller arms, fingers digging deeper into the other's skin causing him to wince from the pain.

"Listen Us! YOU DON'T CHALLENGE ME! You dare to touch them again, I will be the one who ruined you. Try me."

It's the first time. The first time Jeff raised his voice at him, the first time Jeff challenged him.

Jeff remembered his promise with Bible. He knows that he cannot control Us but he will make sure this person in front of him, who he always loved with his whole heart will not do another stupid thing that will ruin his own life. He will make sure of that.


"Let's wait Bible, police will track his whereabouts and inform us. It's been more than 24 hours and his case will be listed as a missing person case. They will find Build, we will find him back."

Bible can't sit down, just like Build, he couldn't eat anything for the past two days afraid that anything may happen to Build. For two days he couldn't reach Build, his heart is not at peace. It's been three hours since they lodged Build's missing to the police and Bible cannot control his fear. He's walking back and forth in his living room, hands not once stopping from holding his phone.

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