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"Build, I miss you"

Apo hugs the younger man after missing him for so long. Bible told him that they are working hard to build their relationship back and Apo feels so grateful for the news.

He invited them to their house for a weekend gathering and they promised him to come, which is why now he excitedly showers the younger man who is looking so cheerful with endless hugs and kisses.

Bible smiles wide seeing Apo and Build really close to each other. It's not easy to convince Build to come here, especially when there is Mile and he's not ready to meet those who had connections with Nodt.

Build opened up to him, despite Bible already knowing about his relationship with Nodt from Mile but his husband was willing to share the hurtful memories with him.

Deep inside, he felt so wrong for keeping another secret from Build but he can't help to lose Build again if he knew.

< flashback >

"P'Nodt and I, we had known each other since we were children. I had the biggest crush on him and one day I accidentally exposed my feelings in front of him."

Build smiled, reminiscing the memories. They had lots of happy moments together and Build appreciated them so much.

"I was too happy and comfortable living my life with him always by my side that I forgot fate has a different plan for me. I didn't expect he will leave me the day we registered for our wedding."

He paused. It's difficult to share his past but he didn't want to hide his trauma with Bible. Bible deserved to know. He trusted him.

"I isolated myself from everyone, especially from people who knew P'Nodt and meeting P'Mile last time, it triggered the memories which was why I ran away fast. I didn't mean to be rude to him. I wish I can meet phi again but I was too afraid."

He fiddled with his finger, after that day he didn't have the courage to meet Mile to face him or he will be too drowned with his emotions.

"What if we meet them this weekend? P'Apo said he missed you so much, baby."

He tried to ask Build, careful with the words. Apo called him one day and invited them to their house,  wholeheartedly hoping Build could join them.

Bible was trapped, between his husband and his brother. He did not want to force his husband if Build was still not ready but he wanted to help him fight the fears too.

He cupped Build's face, looking directly into his eyes

"Listen, baby. I'm here, I'll always be with you. I'll always be at your side supporting you. Can you do it? Can you meet P'Mile again? I want only the best for you.

But if you don't want, I'm not going to force you. I will tell them, I'm sure they will understand."

He wiped the unshed tears on his rosy cheeks. How many times had he witnessed Build crying, it was breaking him inside.

Build looked at Bible, eyes gleaming with hope. He thought it will be alright since he had Bible now, Bible is his strongest pillar to depend on.

He nodded and agreed to follow him. After all, he missed P'Apo too. Bible smiled. Proud of his strong husband.

"Bible, can I ask you something?"

Bible nodded.

"Yes. Tell me Biubiu"

"You won't- you won't leave me alone like Nodt did right?"

Bible gulped, his mind wandering to the one secret he kept from Build, imagining what would happen if one day Build know about it. Would Build give up on him? Would Build leave him? Would he lose Build again?

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