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Bible is already woken up when Build got up from his deep sleep. He feels his headache gone and his body lighter. When did he fall asleep in bed? He remembers he passed out on the couch yesterday.


He calls for the other walking out of the room before seeing Bible had just finished his shower with only a towel draped over his waist. There is water dripping from his toned abs and his hair is all wet and messy.


he quickly covers his eyes not expecting to see the buff man in front of him. Bible looks so sexy though. He can feel his face hot, cheeks already blushing red.

Oh no. Why are you getting embarrassed Build.

"What? You've never seen a body like this?"

Bible purposely teases him, unconsciously smiling from seeing Build's innocent reaction.

"Get ready, we're going to Faith in 30 minutes"

he tells him before throwing his towel directly to Build covering his small head.

"Yah, Bible Wichapas!"

He shuts his eyes tight, this man is crazy, how come he is easily naked in front of him? He runs away fast to the bathroom avoiding the scene in front of him.


Now he's already prepared for the event, wearing Faith's official theme shirt in blue colour and matching it with long black pants with white stripes on them. He styles his hair simple knowing it will be a mess if he joins all of the activities afterwards.

"You're ready?"

Bible asks him once he's finished wearing his own matching outfits. Since it's a family day, they will be having lots of outdoor activities and spending their time with the kids.  Build nods and follows Bible out of the room after eating one bite of apple and painkiller so he's not gonna ruin the day feeling sick.



The loud shouts surprised Build. He sees the kids running fast to hug Bible. They look so happy having to meet Bible after months of not meeting him. Mr. and Mrs. Sumettikul are smiling wide from behind leaving Build stunned by the situation.

The kids love Bible so much, he thought.

He smiles hearing the loud noises from the kids' screaming and laughter. Bible entertains each one of them lovingly, giving hugs and pecks saying he missed them too and Build sure this is a totally different version of Bible he's ever seen.

"Hello Chairman Sumettikul and Mrs. Sumettikul, welcome to Faith House Chiang Mai. The kids miss all of your family so much"

One happy voice distracts Build from his reveries, focusing back on the voice before seeing one man with a very sweet smile, one look and Build can see how cheerful his personality is. He smiles at him and shakes his hand before they are introduced to each other by Mrs. Sumettikul.

"Hello, I'm Build. Bible's husband. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me."

he smiles receiving the same action from the other.

"Hello, I'm Apo Nattawin. Principal of Faith Organisation. So you're Build Jakapan? No wonder Bpâa Anita always talks about you, her son-in-law is very pretty. Nice to meet you too Biu, just call me P'Apo okay? Welcome to Faith."

He grabs Build's hand with his other hand tapping it softly. Build can already feel his cheeks blushing from the compliments. Mrs. Sumettikul cackles on his side, nodding her head agreed with the statement.

"Where's your husband Natta?" Mrs. Sumettikul asks him on their way to the front lawn.

Mr. Sumettikul is already mingled with his guests and VIP friends meanwhile Bible is too occupied with the kids. They booked one hall with one big field around of it to organise their activities. The kids will join a variety of sports and games for the day. They have also prepared performances and talentime for the guests.

"Oh, Mile will join later Bpâa , he had emergency surgery this morning and he was sorry for not being able to join it early" he nods at them before offering them drinks not noticing the slight expressions changed on Mrs. Sumettikul's face.

So this guy had gotten married and his husband is a doctor? Build thought suddenly thinking about how a real marriage feels like.


Build doesn't notice he was too lost in his thoughts that Mrs. Sumettikul is already excused herself leaving him with Apo alone. Apo observes the slight worry on the younger's face. If Bible feels too troubled by the sudden marriage, he wonders what will Build feel like.

"Oh I'm sorry" he mumbles.

"It's okay please be comfortable Biu, we're all family here." Again the sunshine smiles. Build wishes his smile is as sincere as the guy in front of him too.

"I know you have known Bible for years Phi that is why I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier to you." He feels bad. Apo looks so kind and understanding. Why did he want to distance himself from Bible's kind acquaintances like this?

"I understand and it's okay. Don't feel bad. Just enjoy today okay? Come on" He offers him one last smile grabbing his hand and asking Build to join their game along.

It's okay to let loose like this right?


Thank you for your support.  Wanna give some positive traits of Bible. He's a sweet man too^^

If you may notice, I love to give some filler chapter in my story to give some char development and stronger plot in the storyline. Hopefully it doesn't bore you.

Thank you for reading 💖 I really enjoyed your comments. Do give more

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