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When Bible said Build Jakapan Sumettikul would always be the end of him, he meant it in every kind of way. From Build's beautiful face that can hypnotise everybody who saw him, from Build's godly figure that only he has the privilege to witness, from Build's fond smiles that can melt the sturdiest rock on earth, from Build's kind heart than can cure any hurting feelings in this world and the long list of Build's charms that Bible cannot describe them his whole life. 

One Bible Wichapas just never expects his husband will be the end of him in a version of Build audaciously standing in front of him wearing nothing but a piece of black-coloured lace lingerie.


Is it with the cat headband on his head too?

He sits up abruptly, eyes almost popping out seeing the scene before him. Bible rubs his eyes repeatedly, this is not a dream, is it?



his voice is interrupted by Build shushing him out. The dimmed light in the room cannot hide the tinted red flush in his neck up to his cheeks and ears.

Bible can now clearly his creamy fair skin underneath the sheer thin material. The black colour choice really accentuates the looks of his gorgeous-looking husband.

The lace covers his upper part from its strap down his shoulder to his breast and his lower part is covered with a see-through piece revealing his sexy and curvy figure. Not to add the black cat headband that highlights the cute and sexy elements of Build's outfit.

Build also purposely skip wearing the g-string so his now semi-hard member is exposed entirely to his husband.

Bible Wichapas Sumettikul will be so done today. Gone are his wrath and foul mood from the incident in the club.

Build can see Bible's spontaneous reaction to seeing his outfit now. This is his surprise for his lovely husband. Build was unsure how Bible would react over his plan but to see the other is already in mess with him gulping down continuously, eyes never once leaving him, the saliva drooling down his chin from the constant licking of his lips.

Bible seems to love it.

"You like what you see Biben?"

Build walks slowly toward him showing off the thin layer of clothing swaying softly from his naked body underneath. His rosy buds already perking red wanting to be touched, his hands trailing to his own body, touching the lace that tickles him, mewls with the softness of the materials.

Bible wants to attack him here and there but Build stops him. It's his turn to please him tonight.

"Lay down Khun Wichapas"

He instructs him and Bible obeys. His cock twitched to hear the sexy voice, strained painfully inside the pyjama's pants.

Build hovers on top of him, starting to kiss his now sweaty husband from his forehead, down to his eyes, his nose, and his philtrum before he bites his lips causing the other to groan low. Their tongues tangled, sucking on each other wet before Build bites small on it making Bible's large hands crush on his slim waist.

His husband is panting, the feeling of the lace on top of Build's hot skin itching his hands, it sends direct pleasure to his now-hardened cock.

Build trails his hand down to Bible's body, cupping the bulge and massaging it slowly. His own erection is obvious now but Bible's pleasure is his main priority.

His cushy ass is humped on top of Bible's thigh with him continuously kissing down to his collarbone, biting on the hard chocolate abs and moving to Bible's navel causing him to unconsciously buck up.

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