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"Stupid! I gave you one job and you ruined it!"

He hisses. His finger points at Perth's temple. Poking it hard. Annoyed that the other couldn't commit to his order.

"I can try again. I won't disappoint you Us."

Perth begs. Us looks super mad with him.

"Try again? You fucking fail to stab him that time. I've already distracted everyone with my acting but you were fucking coward. Useless! Stupid!"

Us snaps at him. That time Build should have died if only Perth continued with their plan. No one noticed him behind Build. How come he missed it?

"There was Bible and I couldn't get my timing right. I'm sorry. Please give me one more chance. I will kill him. I promise."

Us knows he can't complete his plan if there is no Perth. He's not going to dirty his hand for killing somebody. Perth is his bait. Us can easily buy him with his body and money and he will follow whatever he wanted.

"Fine. I'll give you one more chance but let's slow down for now. I don't want anyone to become more suspicious of me. Jeff looks like he can sense something. I will call you back. Don't try to contact me at all."

He turns back from Perth. Face layered with annoyance and irks. Upset that his first plan to hurt Build failed. Now Bible has become too overprotective towards his husband. It makes him more irritated. Gross with their relationship.

Not to add with Jeff who tried to monitor him stricter nowadays. He couldn't easily go anywhere without bringing along his manager or bodyguards after the incident in the mall. Jeff seems to know about the real issue but he was keeping his silence. Even the amount of flirts or fake tears from Us didn't convince him. Did Jeff fall out of love with him already?


"Where are you from? I've clearly told you to bring Job along how come you ditched him?"

He just entered his office when Jeff barges at him. His manager, Job is behind him. Face worried.

"And I've told you that I don't want to be controlled. I'm a grown-ass man why should I bring him anywhere I go?."

Us's voice was high, riled to be tied with the company's protocol and his damn contract.

"You are the one who created this problem Us. You have no projects now so why don't you just stay at home and don't make any mess again? I'm tired of having to clean up all your shits."

Jeff's face is all but serious. His eyes were red trying to suppress his anger. He stopped all projects or offers for Us until the actor has fully regained his conscience back. He has to monitor Us's movements now as the other is capable of creating any ruckus everywhere he goes.

"I've made appointments with the doctor. Meet them and get treatment. You need some healing. Think carefully about everything you planned to do. Don't ruin yourself Us."

Jeff holds his shoulder trying to offer his support when Us nudges him. Now he's mad. His eyes popped off wide.

"Did you think I'm crazy? Why would I need to meet a doctor?! You are the crazy one here. Not me!"

He shouts before stomping out of the office. Now they think he's crazy? He wants to laugh, funny how they see him as the crazy one when all of them make him like this.

Jeff is all aware of how would Us react to his suggestion. His shoulders slumped but he has to stop him either way. He quickly reaches for his phone before dialling someone.

"Follow him."


"Khun Jeff, Khun Us has been waiting for you in your study room."

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