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< Five (5) years after The Sumettikul Twins were born>

Six years ago, if anyone asked him why he was willing to get married to Build, Bible would answer it was because of Faith House. But now if he is asked with the same question, he regards it as fate.

Ten years ago when he was in a critical state over his heart problem, he never thought that fate would come in the name of Nodt Nutthasid. A fate that made him believed he got a second chance to live again. Fate made him able to serve more love and appreciation towards his parents.

Fate became the first connection between him and Build.

Every year they will bring their kids to visit Nodt and Puttha's grandparents. Telling them how their papa was loved by such amazing people. Showing them that kindness and love will always bring happiness.

Love always wins in the end.

Six years, one year with Bible being so selfish and inconsiderate over their marriage, three chances from Build to keep accepting him again and again.

Five years old twins as proof of their love and trust in each other. Their kids grow beautifully, they mingle well with Apo and Mile's kids, a 4-year-old Prapai and 3-year-old Tu.

Guess Mile really fell head over heels towards their children as now both of them are waiting for their third baby to come. A third Romsaithong.

Just like Bible and Build, anticipating another Sumettikul with Build's second pregnancy now.

Bible wouldn't have asked for more when he was blessed with such miracles and bliss.


"Daddy..look Venice doesn't want to help papa."

His daughter's voice chimes in, waking him up from his reminiscences. Paris runs to him before Bible carries her high. His little angel is 5 years old now, growing healthy and beautiful just like Build, sometimes she keeps bullying his brother and sassily reprimanded Venice exactly the way Build used to reprimand him. Paris is 100% Build's copy and Venice is more like him.

"Mai. I had just finished helping papa. See papa is all good now. The cake is done. Yummy."

Now Venice comes to him, face smeared with creams. He licks his hands on his way to Bible, tasting the sweetness of the whipping creams.

Build followed behind him holding the cake he just made with the twins.

Bible puts Paris down before running to help his husband. Their angels chasing after him.

"Here let me get it. Now sit down or your legs will get more swollen."

He puts the cake on the table before bringing Build down to sit on the couch. His eyes can't stop staring at him. As always, Build will look so soft with his rounder and cuter face when he got pregnant. Bible lowkey wished Build would always get pregnant if this is how he would look like. Not that he could tell him or he would have to sleep outside of their room.

But still, his heart fell more and more at his husband.

"Venice, please wash your hand. Ask phi along. Then come back and we can eat."

Build keeps watching his twins' antics ignoring this one horny monster husband that never stops looking at him from the side. Bible and his hunger for him.

Will never stop. Yes. Never.

"Can I have you tonight? You know it's been months. This baby is now five months old so I don't have you for months too."

Bible whispers in his ears. Build can feel the naughty touches lingering on his body, all aware of what Bible wanted from him. He faces his husband before pinching his arms hard.

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