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"I wonder if Nodt always took care of his body well, his heart fits me so much, no complication, no threat of malignancy, no possible health problem. Doctor Chan was so impressed with the heart's condition."

Bible tells Mile when he meets him in the hospital for his annual health appointment after his successful heart transplant. 

Bible took care of his heart carefully.

He considered this as his second chance to live so he will never waste it. He tried to avoid alcohol and consumed less caffeine. He avoided extreme sports that may pressure his heart and anything that will cause him too stressed besides being thankful to everyone around him who helped him throughout the process.

Up till now Build still didn't know about his health history but his presence already improves Bible's condition and he wants to stay healthy for him.

Mile smiles.

"Must be Build then. You should see how much Nodt was so dependent on caffeine before, he couldn't live without his daily coffee. But of course, he couldn't live without Build more because the other would get mad if he didn't take care of his body well. Build was a miracle for him."

Mile sips his drink, it's fine to tell Bible right?

"I can't believe I feel jealous of a dead person phi"

Bible plays with his fork, cutting the piece of cake in front of him.

"Build is my miracle too. It's just I realised it too late. I'm so thankful he is willing to forgive and accept me back."

He sighs, doesn't want to remember those days he was cruel towards him.

"No Bib, everyone makes mistakes. Good people learnt from their past. They changed to improve themselves and you also did change for a better you now. I can't speak on behalf of Build but I know he loves you very much. That eyes hint at the same glow and happiness exactly when he was with Nodt, maybe more than that.

Mile cackles.

"You don't know how much Apo couldn't stop talking about that. Cooing how cute Nong Build is, how beautiful his face is, how soft his skin is and how gentle his touches are. My husband loves Build more than me I guess."

Bible laughs along. Everyone will fall for Build, his beauty and cuteness bewitched people but his kindness and pure heart make them stay. 

Bible is not an exception. He will stay for him too.

"I plan to bring him for vacation, a short honeymoon around Thailand as for now. I have settled most of the preparation so far, what is left is telling him and bringing him there.

Do you remember I called you about his panic attack? I think it's better to bring him somewhere to heal and refresh. I don't know maybe he suddenly remember about Nodt. So he needs to rest."

Bible has planned for their late honeymoon weeks after they reconciled. Seeing how stressful Build is now he hopes at least some change of air will make him feel better.

"Good job Bib, I can't believe how my young little brother before has grown up to be so mature now. I'm so proud of you."

He nudges the arms playfully. Content at how much Bible grow from his past mistakes.

"I've learnt from you phi."

He smiles. Both of them love their husbands so much, as much as Mile loves and appreciates Apo he wishes he can be like them. They have shown him how beautiful marriage is apart from his own parents.

"Ehem...plus don't be too harsh on him Bib, I know you have that energy of a monster."

He grins and walks away leaving Bible already in his wild imagination.

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