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"P'Jeff. Thank you for coming. I know it's not easy for you. I'm sorry."

Three months after their babies were born, The Sumettikul holds one simple ceremony to welcome the newborn of Sumettikul's heirs.

Venice Chaikamon Sumettikul and Paris Chanikarn Sumettikul

The reason their house is becoming more cheerful and happier nowadays. Their parents and Romsaithong's papas cannot stop scrambling from carrying the small babies.

Sometimes both of Build and Bible couldn't even hold their twin pair because Mr. and Mrs. Sumettikul didn't want to let them go. Not to add when Mile and Apo regularly come to their house to play with the babies.

Apo is now in his five-month of pregnancy. His affections towards them are incredibly strong, always cooing and playing with the cutie pies. Perhaps it's the pregnancy's effects on the future dad.


The event is simple. They only invite their acquaintances, staff and friends. Build knows Jeff is still feeling down over the incident but he's thankful that his friend is still willing to come for him.

"Don't be Build. It's your happy day. I should come."

Build nods, realising how gloomier Jeff looks now. His body looks thinner.

"How is Us now? Is the treatment going well?"

After the incident, Us and Perth were charged with attempts to cause injuries over Build. Perth was commissioned with more charges including attempts to kill, breaking of properties, defamation, and stalking. Luckily Jeff's informer wasn't dead or he will be alleged with another homicide charge.

Since both of them were diagnosed with mental disorders, the sentences were mitigated. Now Us was being treated in a psychiatry hospital while serving his 4 years sentence meanwhile Perth, was dead from committing suicide in the hospital room, right before his sentences were ordered.

The doctor said Perth has been suffering from hallucinations ever since his mother was brutally killed by his own father. That explains why he keeps seeing his mother in his imagination, talking to her, confusing him between real and illusioned life.

The fact that he was threatening Us and wanted to kill him because of Us's action towards Build reminded him of his abusive father. Perth wanted revenge but he made a wrong choice. Violence is never an answer.

The news shocked them. They didn't know it will end up like that.

Us rejected to meet everyone. His mind is only filled with his own guilt and wrongdoings towards Build, Bible and Jeff. Gone a lovely and most beloved sweetheart Us Nititorn now, left with someone who prefers to spend his time alone, quiet, isolating himself from everyone else.


Jeff shakes his head. Breaking a too clear of forced smiles towards Build.  He has let Us go but he is still his best friend, one who he never wanted to lose. Seeing Jeff's condition breaks Build's heart.

"How about you? Are you okay P'Jeff? You are not eating well nowadays right?"

When Bible said Build is an attentive and understanding person, Jeff has always believed that. The way the younger talks. It's slow and soothing. The way he touches the subject carefully, not forcing not demanding eases Jeff's heart.

He wishes he will meet someone like Build one day.

"I'm fine. I will survive. Where is the twins? I miss them so much."

Build shows him the twin before Jeff excuse himself to get to the babies who are in their grandparents' arms.

Build sighs. He wishes he can help him.

"Baby what are you thinking about?" Bible comes to him, backhugging Build tight, his head on top of his shoulder. Looking in the same direction as Build.

"Do you think P'Jeff will be fine? He needs to meet someone else to distract him from Us."

Build asks his husband. Bible swaying his smaller body slowly. His husband's hands wrapped tight around his slim waist. Humming softly.

Bible refused to talk about Us. Too many harms and incidents he caused towards Build that he still couldn't forget. He didn't hate the other but he still needs time just like Jeff or Us himself.

"I know Jeff. He will go through this. He just needs time to heal. And baby can we please don't talk about Us? I don't want to be reminded of his dirty deeds towards you."

Build turns to face him. He understands Bible. He used to despise Us. He used to hate Us for harming him and their child but people change. Just as he accepted Bible who's willing to change for him, that is how he believes one day Us will be better than he is now. Time will heal.

He cups Bible's face before planting a quick smooch on him.

"Okay, I won't. Let's talk about other things yeah. Or do you want me to talk dirty to you since our babies are not here? How about that daddy?"

Build winks and purposely bites on his plump red lips. His tongue keeps licking and wetting on it. He fiddles with the button on Bible's white shirt, unbuttons and buttoning it back, rubbing the hidden abs underneath it causing Bible's breath to hitch, responding to the sudden attack.

Bible knows he will not able to control himself when Build flirts with him. His soft touches already sent immeasurable pleasure into his stomach. His cock twitched.

"Baby...stop, there're many people now, don't let me ravish you right here."

His husband's direct approach is not helping him especially when this is not the right time for it.

"Ummm..so wild daddy... I like it."

Build hushes before blowing soft air into his ears. Bible's face is totally red now.

"But daddy,  Venice  and Paris need me. So next time okay."

Build runs away fast after teasing his husband, rushing to his now-crying babies. It's time to feed the babies. Build feels bad as Bible looks so betrayed and devastated over his tease but what to do when they have kids now. 

Bible has to wait longer for his turn.


From far away, to witness Build all smiling and laughing with their babies in his arms, Bible's heart feels lighter. These are the indescribable moments that he will never get if only he was still the old and selfish Bible.

Build changed him for the better. Build taught him how to love. Build taught him patience. If anyone said he is too whipped, too weak over Build he didn't care. Bible used to lose him a few times but Build came back. Bible used to ignore him but Build stayed.

Now, it's his turn. To never forget. To never let go.

Build is his beautiful curse and he will always be bewitched by him.




How to heal Jeff? Poor him

So since both of Us and Perth are psychopaths, from my reading for the crimes with mental disorders, the punishments shall be mitigated. But I make it as Us still serving for his imprisonment. My book my rules lol 😂

There will be two epilogues after this before I officially end this book.

This is such a long journey I never expect to get so many love and support from all of you my readers, my own beautiful curses. Thank you so much for hyping this. I have so much lacking, I started with very low confidence especially when I am not an English speaker.But here it is, the end of You Will Never Be Mine

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