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Jeff is Bible's co-partner in his Fitness Centre, he owns 25% of the share in the company. He is also an owner and a CEO of a talent agency, the entertainment place where Bible introduced Us to him until he is now one of the most popular actors in Thailand.

Jeff knows Bible and Us's relationship and he also knows who is the real Us behind Bible but he doesn't want to interfere with his best friend's relationship even though he disagrees with how Us acted. For him, work and personal are two different things that he is not gonna ruin altogether. That is how Jeff is, committed to his work and always prioritises what he thinks it's right for him.

He arrived in Bangkok the same day with Us since he went to the shoot to celebrate the party with their team for completing the 3 months shooting.

Bible is probably with Us, that is why now he is in front of Bible's house trying to sneak into it and spend his time there. Being in his own house was too gloomy and boring, Bible is used to it since it's normal for them to barge into each other's house without asking permission from the other. He has already brought with him snacks since he knows Bible is so stingy to spare him food. He keyed in the code and pushed the door in before he is surprised by a pale body lying down on the floor.


he rushes to the body quickly trying to feel the pulse in his wrist. Thank god, the man is still breathing. He picks up the man whose facing the floor to see a beautiful face, all swollen with some dried blood on it. The man's pale arms and legs have some bruises and wounds at some parts too.

"hey..wake up..hey?"

he carefully taps the unknown man's face trying to wake him up. Jeff grabs his phone and dials 911 seeing the man is all shaking and trembling. His body is cold and freezing. Jeff runs to Bible's room and grabs a thick blanket to cover the freezing body, afraid to hug the person in case he would hurt him more.

"who is he and why is he in Bible's house?"


Bible is in a deep sleep while cuddling Us in front of him after their several rounds of sex last night. Both of them are naked and tired from their activity. His sleep is disrupted when his phone rang several times, Us is still sleeping soundly under his embrace.

"hello" his voice hoarse

"Bible Wichapas! where are you? you better run your ass off here or I'm gonna kill you, wake up and come to Bumrungrad Hospital quick"

Jeff's voice is loud on the other line. What the fuck, he mumbles sleepily but the mention of the hospital startled him.

What's wrong? Who is in the hospital?

He gets up quickly from the bed dressed in his last night clothes and rushes out of the house.

His heart suddenly beats fast.


The pale man is now lying down on the bed in the hospital room, his injuries were cleaned and patched up and the swollen cheeks is slowly shrinking down. Jeff is sitting quietly beside him, eyes not facing away from the man.

How beautiful he is, maybe the most beautiful person he has ever seen. Even though his face is all swollen and pale, he is still beautiful. He does not realise his hands slowly touching the sleeping face and caressing it softly.

"Who are you?"

Bible finds Build in his hospital room with Jeff staying beside him. His eyes caught Jeff's hand on Build's face before the guy took it away noticing Bible's presence in the room.

"Hey, Bible." He stands up face stoic and confused.

"What happened?"

Bible ignores Jeff's greeting and walks fast to Build. Why Build is lying down here now? and why Jeff is with him? suddenly his heart feels weird.

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