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Apo surprises his husband in the hospital after Mile has been so busy with on-call and surgeries. He brings homemade meals for his husband's lunch.

"My bae!" he shouts as soon as he opens Mile's room door. The said man is all tired in his chair after just finished with his 3 hours of surgeries. His tired face is blooming with smiles after seeing his favourite person in the world.

"Baby, what are you doing here?" he asks Apo as the other sits on his lap and greets him with kisses.

"surprising you, of course, I know you had just finished with your surgeries and now I'm bringing you lunch" he excitedly says while showing off the food he had prepared.

"Seeing you makes me full already baby, thank you"

Mile caresses the hair, feeling so thankful for having such a good and understanding man as his husband. Apo massages his stiff neck and shoulder knowing his husband works hard at his job.

"Let's eat together then I'll drive you home okay, bae" he winks at his husband, jumps off him and serves the food on the coffee table.


"Did you call Bible?"

Mile asks while feeding the tom yum shrimp into his mouth, he chews and swallows it deliciously as his husband really knows his taste preferences well.

"Urm, I called him last two days, poor our Biben he was all in a mess thinking about his marriage. I feel like meeting his husband to get to know him better. Bible was in deep thought nowadays, I'm so worried. I don't want him to think about his problem too much or he will be-"

"babe.." Mile shakes his head.

"We promised not to talk about this anymore right?"

Mile stops eating and holds Apo's hand softly. He knows his husband is worried about Bible but this issue is too painful to remember. Apo nods, understood and smiles. He doesn't want to be reminded about that experience too but he can't help to feel anxious about that.

"Did you know his husband's name?, Bible never told us though, it's been months and he's being too secretive" Mile changes the topic now slurping on his tom chuet soup.

Apo shakes his head but he knows they will meet him the day Faith will be holding its Family Day.

"I don't know too but I can't wait to meet him this Saturday. Bible and his husband will join the event, Bpâa Anita was so excited to introduce her son-in-law to us. When I asked her his name, she said to let it be a secret, now I am so curious"

He pouts cutely wondering why Mrs. Sumettikul wanted to surprise them with her son-in-law, unnoticed Mile's stares at him.

"ehem babe, don't pout like that or I'll want to lavish you too" Mile clears his throat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in his pants. Apo knows well his weakness and he often uses it against him.

"well, eat your meal quick then..your dessert is on me" he seductively says, blowing on Mile's ears before walking away fast from the room.


Us barges into Jeff's room after he reprimanded him for meeting this one famous director for his next planned movie. As Us's CEO, Jeff has the rights to determine what movie or drama Us will star in but sometimes the actor will act beforehand behind him, purposely meeting, flirting or even sleeping with the directors or their producers to get the offers and being a famous Us Nititorn, 90% of his tactics will turn out successful. He will easily get the offers and his popularity will boost more. Jeff hates that as he cares about Us as his talent and as his best friend's partner.

"Why are you chasing him away? I worked so hard to get the offer!!"

Us attacks him as soon as he enters the room. He is so annoyed with Jeff's decision to interfere with his work.

"It's the best thing to do, please Us stop doing this. I am tired of having to cover all your dirty shits" Jeff calmly says.

"You don't decide on what works I wanted to be in, if I wait for you I won't be able to get all those expensive movies. I am Us Nititorn you know, I can decide on what dirty shits myself, you don't have the right to control me!" He shouts angrily.

Jeff hushes, being a famous actor now makes him forget who helped him from the start.

"Seems like you forgot where you came from Us, I took you in because of Bible and remember" he points at his own face before continuing "this face who once brings you up can easily bring you down."

Jeff is so upset. Popularity and luxury make him all snobbish and superior.

"Please stop all of this if you really care about Bible, he sincerely introduced you to me because he loves you, he doesn't deserve all of your fake love. Or easy you can just leave him Us. He has a husband now don't ruin their relationship like this. You can restart afresh, I will always support you."

The mention of Bible's husband makes the other all mad and irritated. He met Bible earlier than Build, Bible loves him, not Build. He can easily manipulate Bible into this fake acting because that idiot is too whipped on him, he can enjoy Bible's money while riding on his popularity as an actor. What's so wrong with that, he thought. It's not his mistake Bible is so naive and dumb.

"Just stop Jeff, Bible will never know about this if you keep quiet. I know you're my CEO but come on you can't control my life."

He smirks and winks at him before going out of the room proudly.

You will regret this Us

Jeff mumbles, sighing long. He wishes he had stopped Us earlier, is it too late now?


What do you think about Us? Thank you for reading. Do comments more. I love to read your responses. Thank you lovelies^^

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