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Bible grabs the phone, redialling the number over and over again but obviously ended up with failure.

It's Build's voice. It's his husband's voice screaming for his help. Build pleaded with them to save him. Bible is restless, his mind goes haywire. He has to be fast. Build is with Us. Jeff's informer is now captured by them. Are there any options left? They lost their one and only hope now. What should they do?

His eyebrows furrowed, forehead wrinkled trying to pitch any slightest or smallest hints to locate them. Bible's hands scratching hard on his phone, tapping on the screen repeatedly before he realises it.

The phone.

"Jeff..it's not turned off."



Us Nititorn hates Build Jakapan. He hates him. He hates him so much he tried so many things to hurt and injure him.

Us Nititorn hates Build Jakapan he plotted many ways and lies to harm and shame him.

He hates Build Jakapan he accused and mocked they younger incessantly to ruin his life.

But why?

Why the same Build Jakapan didn't hate him back?

Why the same Build Jakapan didn't harm him back?

Why the same Build Jakapan didn't hurt him back?

Why now, the same Build Jakapan pushing him hard, making him stumble down the floor, dodging an unmoving Us from Perth's attack and willing to sacrifice himself.


The fall is hard.

Us is speechless. It's too fast. Everything is happening too fast he can only see Build falling beside him, hands covering his stomach hard, the pregnant man's body cowering in a fetal position, squirming, gasping for his breath.

Too much blood oozed out from Build's weakening body. 

Us can't see anything else except rushing fast to hug Build's trembling body. Gone with his hatred, what he wanted now is only to help him. This is his fault. This is because of him. Build cannot die.

Us is wailing loudly.

His hands rub the shaking arms, soothing any discomfort that he feels. Whispering that it's alright. 

Build will be fine.

He will be saved. His baby will be saved.

"Build no please...don't close your eyes."

"Please follow me...breath in...breath out"

"Please you cannot die. You have to stay alive. You have to stay fighting with me...you have to stay alive to keep hating me...you have to..please..don't..."

He's stuttering. His heart drops. His head falls. His shoulders droop. Tears nonstop flow down his pale cheeks.

"I still haven't apologised to you..don't die on me Build.. please don't"


Build can see it in blurry Perth is all prepared to stab him after he pushed Us away. He is all aware that the sharp metal is now pointing directly at him. He is all ready to face the attack before he finally saw the face.


Bible is here. Bible has arrived to save him. He can see the quick flashes of his husband before his legs finally give in. The swift movement makes the sharp stabbing pain pierce his back. His body bends.

He knows what symptom it is. Is it already coming? But he has three weeks left before the due. The contractions keep coming. The aching pain attacked his lower back. It started in a gentle compression but the intense cramp tightened from his chest down to his knees.

He couldn't control his body and he falls hard on the floor. The impact on the stomach makes him bleed more. A Mount of blood seeped out from between his legs, painting his long pants with red.

It hurts.


Count it on divine intervention or their fate but Bible and Jeff arrived in the abandoned warehouse at the exact time Perth almost stabbed Build.

Bible only sees red. His breath hitched. His blood boiled. Someone touched Build.

Dared to hurt his husband, he attacks the man from behind, hands expertly swerving Perth's aim away from Build before he swoops the body and lunges him down to the floor. The knife slipped from Perth's hand. The hard metal dinged away far from them. Perth is trapped helplessly underneath his larger frame.

Bible doesn't stop there.

"You don't touch my husband!"

"You dared to hurt him...I will kill you"

"You will die in my hand bastard!"

Bible continues with his hits, kicks, kneeing, blowing on each part of Perth's body, cursing him, showing him that no one ever touches his family or they will see his crazy wrath. His own hand is bloodied but he can't stop even though the man has stopped resisting.

Perth's body is laid still, his mouth gaping wide for air. His face is all messed with blood and cuts.

"Bible stop! Enough! You'll kill him."

Jeff had to grope him, holding his hot-tempered friend down. Bible has to be stopped or he will end up killing Perth. That is the last thing they should do in this critical situation.

The situation is too fast. Bible can't calm down. His own breath shuttered.


Us's voice brings him out of his reverie. Bible runs fast towards his husband to see Build's lower body covered with blood. His face became paler. His husband's body is shaking cold.

He nudges Us's away from him before bracing Build's body on his lap. His husband is grunting louder. Jeff is already calling for an ambulance way before they rushed to the warehouse.

"Baby...biu...I'm here...I'm here...breath..."

His tears dropped fast. Build looks so much in pain. He can't even look at him. His heart shattered. Bible is not a religious person but he prays. He prays to every God out there, please don't let his husband die. Please don't let Build and his baby leave him. Please save him. Please, God. Please.


Build is gripping hard on his arms, needing his biggest support with him. His stomach hurts so much. There are no other words besides hurts and hurts and hurts muttered from his mouth.

"Baby...you'll be fine...you'll be fine..."

"Please...you'll be fine..."

"Please...biu..baby please..."

Bible doesn't know to who he's directing the words but that's the only chant he keeps in his mouth when Build is transferred to the ambulance, when Build is wheeled into the emergency room, when Build is squirming his body hard under Bible's embrace in the operation theatre, when Build repeatedly screaming, passing out, waking up, passing out again and again until his husband's voice finally dies down.

"Please. You'll be fine. You will stay with me. You won't leave me. Just promise me you won't leave me. Stay with me, Build"


You'll be fine.

The previous chapter was devastating I guess. Thank god you don't hate me lol.

Really excited to read your thoughts and comments. You really hype this book and I really don't deserve it.

My book is almost to the end.

Thank you. Love you all^^

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