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Bible walks out of his house with anger.

He hates to see the face. He hates to see there is one man with the name Build Jakapan invading his privacy. His parents know about his first love, Us Nititorn. He does not know why his parents are not comfortable enough with his lover when Us is the perfect choice for Bible. Now when he had to betray his one and only love with Us, he knows it was all because of Build. 

He hates him. He hates this situation he was put into. His life should not have ended with a guy who he does not even know.

" P'Apo, where are you now? Can I come?"

He calls Apo, the one and the closest Phi he has. The older brother he has known for more than 10 years already. Apo is like his real brother, always with him whenever he needs him. Apo is now the principal of Faith Organisation, the place where all of his beloved friends met. The only place Bible can run to whenever he was feeling down and sad just like this day.

He did not tell anyone about his marriage. He was not ready. For a week he was missing from his office and avoided contacting anyone, he only caved himself inside his house without mentioning anything about his sudden disappearance.

He knows Apo is worried, even his husband Mile tried to call him several times but he purposely ignored them. Bible hates this situation but he should not hide this news much longer, he trusts his brothers. Apo knows him more than he knows himself so he should not ignore their presence in his life. Build is not going to change anything. His presence is temporary. Bible is going to make sure this marriage would not last long.

Bible drives to Apo and Pong's house to meet them. He has to apologise for acting up and tell them about the marriage. He needs someone who can support him after his parents obviously sided with Build. 

The day they met Build at the funeral he already knew his parents fell hard for the small man.

What kind of specialities the guy has to bewitch his parents into loving him on the spot?

"Nong Bible, are you okay? Why are you not answering our phone calls? Are you all good?" Apo greets him warmly as soon as he arrived. He hugs the younger one after a week his heart was not at ease due to missing him. Mile is beside him observing his husband. Apo has a soft spot for Bible, he really treats the man like his own real brother. Mile does too.

Bible is their close younger brother and they often worried about him.

They sit on the couch with Apo still not leaving Bible's arms. The brotherly warmth that Bible really miss.

"I'm sorry for worrying you phis"

he looks at each of their faces feeling guilty for ignoring them.

"I have something to tell you about my sudden disappearance, I wish you can understand me"

he tells every part of the story he had to deal with, the sudden news, the death of Build's father and the urgency from his parents to marry them off but he purposely avoided telling Build's name, does not want anyone else to know who is his husband. Apo and Mile listen attentively to him. To be honest, they cannot seem to pick sides between Bible or his parents. They know Bible's parents well. They respect them. Mr. Sumettikul has been funding the organisation since both of them were young. He helped to make sure everything in Faith is complete and enough for them. The pairs are very thankful to him.

With Mr. Sumettikul's help too, they are able to know young Bible, a sweet and adorable boy at that time. The friendship is continued until this day. Apo feels pity towards him, he knows how stubborn both the dad and the son are. They can only show support towards Bible telling him that they will always be on his back and ease his heart. They wish to know Bible's husband too if the younger boy allows them one day.

Bible spends his day in his brother's house not bothering to call Build or even caring about him. He tells Apo the man is now with his parents, slightly guilty for lying to his phi. During the night, Mile is called to attend one critical surgery in his hospital so Bible takes the chance to accompany Apo even though he does not necessarily need to. He just wanted to avoid Build in the house.

Why do even I have to live with strangers when I am comfortable enough with my old friends?

Bible believes. He does not need new people in his life. Enough with his close friends and his beautiful lover. This is his life and no one can change it, not his parents not even Build Jakapan.


Short update. Thank you for supporting me. I appreciate all of your comments and support. Love you all ^^

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