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Build still cannot believe that Bible confessed his love to him. He wonders if he will be able to fall in love again after losing Nodt but Bible convinced him.

He is too lost in his thought that he doesn't realize Bible was behind him and startling him, making Build surprised that he accidentally throws the wooden ladle in his hand flying right into Bible's arms.


Build gasps, he's not used to another presence proximity close to him in the house. He was usually alone without Bible around before this. He rushes to his husband, watching the face frown with pain.

"I'm sorry I'm too surprised you're suddenly here"

he caresses the arms, not noticing the fake smile on Bible's face.

"Is it hurt? Is it that bad?"

He keeps fondling Bible's arms worrying if it will swell. He looks at Bible's face and his arms back and forth.

Bible cannot control his expression, Build looks so worried his forehead creased, his eyes focused on the arms. At one point, he fakes the pain to tease his husband more.

Build pokes at one part that makes Bible slightly grunts. It worries him more

"Ouch. That part hurts, slowly"

"Oh no"

he gasps wider, did he throw it that hard?

He wonders.

"Where did it hurts? Here?"

He asks Bible while slowly massaging the arms. Avoiding the hurting part afraid it will be swelling more. The other hums, agreeing with the touch.

"This too hurts"

Build follows the direction of Bible's hand before noticing it is in his mouth. His ears are swiftly red, and he can feel his whole face hot. Bible juts his lips harder, his index finger pointing right at the lips whining that it hurts, smiling excitedly able to tease his husband.

"Baby, here it hurts too" Bible urges.


"You're faking the pain right?"

Build pokes on the arms. A bit harder he guesses. Already pouting with the tease. His whiny voice is a bit louder, cheeks flushing red with shyness.

Too cute

A whipped Bible mumbles faintly.

"No, It hurts, come on try it so you know it really needs its medicine"

He looks down at his husband who is now beet red, hands fiddling with the hem of his own white wool shirt.

Build knows Bible will never stop as long as he doesn't get what he wants so he tiptoes slightly, hands bracing on Bible's arms before kissing him fast. His ears turn redder. Too embarrassed with the situation.

He quickly let go and runs away from his husband to hide the blush. His heart feels full, blooming with excitement and bliss.

Bible only laughs at his husband's antics. 

It's real. It's domestic. It's love.

Build is just too cute, too precious he hopes he can make him happy eternally. They are slowly building the relationship, working more on communication, trust, actions and love. Bible is grateful Build is willing to accept him, forgive him and keep up with their marriage.

He vows he won't betray their love again.


They are resting on their couch on a lazy Saturday evening after they had their lunch. Build cooked chicken red curry, somtum and stir-fried Thai basil & pork with a variety of side dishes with Bible's helps, feeling proud seeing his husband eat them deliciously.

After they made up, they often spend time together to know each other better. Build loves that, he loves how they are slowly but surely building on the foundation of a healthy relationship.

It's a phase-by-phase journey. Bible is not a bad guy and he tried so hard to understand that the other was caught in his own emotion and rage that made him decide to act recklessly towards him.


he begins to talk while stroking his husband's hair. Bible is now resting his head on his lap.


"Can we visit mom and dad tomorrow? It's been so long since I don't see them"

He asks his husband whose eyes almost shut close, drowning with the soft touches of Build's hands.

Bible is slightly shocked as after he got angry with his mom and dad he refused to meet them, the bits of anger and disappointment still lingers in his mind but seeing his husband's hopeful face, he knows it was fate.

It was fate that caused him to get sick, it was fate that allowed him to receive Nodt's heart and it was fate that introduced him to Build. And his parents are the mediator of that.

He sits up, seeing Build's hesitant face. If it's not because of his parents, he will never meet Build, will never get married to him, to feel an indescribable surge of love and appreciate how beautiful this person is in front of him.

Bible holds Build's hands and he nods,

"Okay, let's visit them tomorrow. I will bring you there."

he kisses the other's forehead, easing the creases on it.

Build looks relieved, he's actually afraid of asking Bible as sometimes Bible's past actions still replay in his mind and he hesitates to voice out about that.

As if he can smell the nervousness, Bible pats his cheeks,

"I'm sorry that I forbade you to meet them before, I'm sorry that I got angry at you for contacting mom and dad. I was childish, I was selfish back then but tell me anything you wanted to do, I promise I will try to fulfil it for you"

his husband's cheeks feel so soft on his hand. Build smiles wide. He understands Bible is trying.

"Thank you. I'm not asking much just please treat me well Bible. I don't think I can handle the pain anymore."

He wants to cry, his heart suddenly feels heavy. If Bible hurts him one more time he doesn't know how he will react then. It's difficult stitching up his broken heart piece by piece.

Bible shuts his mouth by kissing him. Wanted to stop the tears that is already brimming in his eyes, wanted to soothe the pain that he caused.

"I'm sorry Biu, I promise you won't get hurt anymore. I promise you."

I'm sorry I can't tell you about this heart yet. I'm sorry

Build looks small in his arms, he hugs the body tight in his embrace.

Build's tears fall down his cheeks wetting Bible's shoulder, he's grown to love Bible as days passed. He wishes this Bible would never change anymore.

He doesn't realise when did he pass out in Bible's embrace, feeling so light and full. His worries were gone, leaving him with only love and relief.


Slowly but surely. They are building their relationship at a slow pace. Build is strong but Bible uncovers his real feelings and he's not ashamed to show them to him. To break down in front of Bible. After all it's Bible who hurts him the most though. 😏

For 🔞 keep waiting naaa~~ 😝😝

Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting and giving your responses and support. When you keep commenting and hyping me up, it encourages me a lot so more chapters coming^^

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