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Build noticed the changes in his body from the past month but he didn't pay that much attention to it. It's weird how he would easily throw up when he's met with some unpleasant smell, sometimes his head feels light and dizzy, his appetite increases and he's always craving for food.

He thought it was simply because of the trauma from the threat attack or his gastric pain but when the symptoms keep on repeating several times, he really has to meet a doctor for a check-up. It's worrying him. That is why now he's been in the private clinic since early in the morning, waiting for the diagnosis from the doctor after they made some tests on him.

"Congratulations Mr. Sumettikul, you are 2 months pregnant. Since you're still in early pregnancy and this is your first time, I suggest you to please be more careful with your body. Don't restrain yourself and take it easy. We wish you well on this journey."

The doctor sincerely smiles while handing him the medical result.

Build gasps. The doctor's voice is faintly heard in his ears. He's pregnant? Hands automatically on his still-flat stomach. There is a baby inside him? He feels like crying. Waves of emotions engulf him. There is a baby inside his tummy now. The baby is the result of their making love. The proof that will strengthen their marriage. It's his baby with Bible. It's Sumettikul's baby. He can't hide his tears from falling down, feeling so grateful for the unexpected blessing.


Build feels excited to meet Bible. He already asked him to come home early. He has to attend a meeting before he can go home but throughout the day, he couldn't stop smiling. His staff noticed that but he only answered them that he was in a good mood.

Bible will be the first one to know about this pregnancy. He rubs his stomach occasionally even though there is no apparent sight yet, still not believing that he's carrying a child now. Tears back to brimming in his eyes.

He can't wait to share the good news with Bible, wondering how would he react to the news. Will Bible be so excited? Or will he get so nervous? What if he is too shocked and fainted? There are too many possibilities playing in Build's mind. One thing he is sure of, Bible would treasure this baby very much.


"So this is it? You are sure they keep their mouth closed right? No one else knows about this?"

Us asks the person in front of him. It's his avid fan. One who's willing to do anything for him. One who's rather sacrificing his life to have Us's attention on him. One who is too stupid for him.

"Yes, Us, I've paid them with the amounts of money you gave to shut their mouths. This secret will remain between us only." He says excitedly, happy to be able to make his idolised actor satisfied with his work.

"Oh Perth, you are so good, honey." Us pats the cheek, seeing the other's eyes glint with happiness. Too whipped over him.

How easy to buy your trust, idiot.

"But if I may ask, what is that for?"

Perth was curious why Us wanted to retrieve the document when it's been years since they kept the record.

The smaller guy smacks his mouth, smirking evilly. The document he hug closed to his chest.

"You don't have to know. Anyway good job, you can come to my house tonight. I will give you your rewards. Trust me I will be all dolled up for you. Don't be late darling." Us pecks the cheeks, holding the document tight and waving goodbye.

It's so easy to manipulate everyone when they are the biggest fools for him. Everyone falls for him.

He walks away from their secret meeting place laughing devilishly, happy that everything is going on his way.

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