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*Knock knock*

Build is busy with his work when the door is knocked. His secretary, Tong comes in with a big bouquet of flowers for him, smiling wide towards him.

Build is surprised, what's with the flowers? What day is today?

"My dear Build, here flowers for you."

His secretary passes the dark red carnations to him, still smirking dumbly at him.

"For me? But why?"

He asks Tong, his favourite friend a.k.a brother figure who he is really close. Tong had been working with the late Mr. Puttha since Build was young so they are already comfortable with each other. He also called him using his name and ignored the formal address as requested by Build.

His eyes crinkled with confusion. Hands grabbing at the card slipped among the decoration.

"You are so lucky Biu, I wish your P'Pong is like that too."

He tsks, whining about his husband.

Tong winks before walking out of the room, happy to see Build is so in love. Pleasant smiles are carved on his face.

These flowers are pretty but my baby is the prettiest - Your Mr. Screwdriver

Build cackles after reading the card, how cheesy his husband is. Mr.Screwdriver, the nickname Bible's friends used to call him, knowing how possessive and overprotective he is. Build never thought Bible will be like this. 

His smiles grow fonder. He keeps the card close to his chest. The love between them bloomed bigger as the days passed.


"Hello Mr. Screwdriver"

Build picks up the call, feeling giddy.

"Baby, you got the flowers? Do you like it? I specifically picked that for you since you love carnations so much." Bible says on the other line.

"Yes, I did. I like it. Thank you so much but I don't want you to spend so much money on me. I feel bad"

"No, don't be. I'm willing to do anything for you. I love you."

There is a small sigh following the voice. It's unusual for Bible to act so tiredly but this past few days he noticed how his husband looked so distraught. The hints of tension and exhaustion are obvious on Bible's face.


He calls him, the other is silence

"Are you okay, you sound tired?"

He worriedly asks. Afraid that his husband is feeling under the weather.

"Hmmm, yes don't worry. I'm sorry I can't pick you up today, I have an extended meeting with a client tonight but I have sent a driver to pick you up. Go home safely baby."

Bible answers, directing the question away.

"Oh...okay, no worries. I'll wait for you at home. Take care love."

He says before the line cuts off.

What happened to his husband?

Bible hangs up the phone in rush. He cannot deny that the problems with Jeff and Us wear him out, that was why he needs to listen to his husband's voice to distract him but Build is attentive, he can easily detect the distress in Bible's voice.

Bible hopes he doesn't smell the uneasiness in him and prefers not to worry him more.

Bible doesn't want to lose his best friend, Jeff or completely cut ties with Us. They are still the best companions that he's ever had but Build needs him, if protecting Build from Us would make his friendship worsen, he'd prefer to bear it rather than losing his husband. He loves Build so much that he can't imagine living without him.

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