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"Good job, don't forget to give me what I asked you as soon as possible. You will get your payment once it's settled."

He cuts the call quickly seeing Jeff entering his room.

"What do you want Jeff?"

He's annoyed with the disruption but Us acts calm, face expressionless.

"Who are you talking to?"

Jeff asks suspiciously. Us is rarely in the company now. His break is over but for the past months since he broke up with Bible he always spent his time alone, going out without his manager or company staff. 

No one knows his whereabouts.

"Why do you bother? It's my privacy."

He hisses, slightly afraid that Jeff overheard his conversation just now.

"I'm your boss Us, no matter how much I like you, you can't simply use me. I still have the right to control you. This is my company."

Us tuts. Tired to deal with Jeff's nosiness in his privacy.

"It's my old friend okay, he just called me because we haven't met for a long time. Got it? Now can you please go? I don't have anything to do with you today."

He stands up, trying to walk away from Jeff and avoid his question but Jeff quickly grabs his hand.

"Sat, Let me go Jeff."

He squirms from the grips. Why everyone wants to control his life? He's not a kid.

Jeff stands before him, eyes boring right into the smaller guy. Hands still on Us.

"Don't do something that will make you regret Us. Don't you ever dare. This will ruin you."J

Jeff warns him.

Us looks unaffected. He is persistent. He's not wrong here. He is a victim.

"You don't control my life Jeff. You are nobody. NOBODY! Now GET OFF ME!!!."

He scoffs, pulling his hand strong from the grips and gets out. His mood is spoiled, his mind is in mess and this is all because of Build Jakapan.

You wait Build Jakapan, you are messing with the wrong person. Us Nititorn never lose.




The box is slipping from his hand. The content that is leaking out makes Build's head spiralling. His hand trembles. His adrenaline peaks.

Tong runs to his room after hearing the shout. In front of Build, he sees a box containing bloodied kind like organs spilling down his feet. The huge amount of blood splashing through the floor, dirtying his director's office, reeks the whole office. They don't know whether the red from the meat is real or fake blood.

Build is standing still, too stunned by the prank.

He thought it was the usual surprise gift that Bible always gave him.


Tong calls him hugging his trembling body.


His voice shakes, too surprised, too scared. He doesn't like to see lots of blood. It reminds him of the day Nodt left him. He feels the fears already engulfing him.

"Come here, let's go out and sit down"

Tong brings him to the break room as his room is now filled with the stink smell from the blood. The smell is so bad they feel like throwing up. Build can't feel his legs, he's walking slowly with Tong supporting his body aided by other staff.

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