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"Ahh faster.. yes"

"Give it to me yes..ahh, so good"

Us grinds deeper on top of the body. He wants to release his anger. Annoyed with the way Bible treated him. Mad at Build's presence that makes his life a whole mess, ruining his relationship with his lover.

He has to clear his mind.

That is why he now ends up on top of someone's body, riding on the big cock to clench his thirst after he spent the whole night getting drunk and high, complaining about his terrible day.


He moans louder. Hands bracing on the hips.

"I know you always want me, come on harder...ahh"

The person thrusts deeper into him. Us is experienced in bed, he knows what he wanted. He purposely whines and moans loudly to increase the tension. He meets the thrust with his own hips gliding on the hard member, clenching his hot ass tight to make him come.

"Argh...I'm almost there" the person shouts.

"Yes, baby come in me yes..yes"

The other fucks harder, each slam accompanied by the sultry voices of Us.

He can feel it's coming


One last shout before he cums into the condom inside Us, feeling the cums filling the plastic wrap, hand keeps fisting on the other's dick to make Us reaches his own climax.




His cums spurts into Jeff's hand and stomach. The white cums released cleared his cluttered mind, shutting down everything around him.

Us flops his small body into Jeff, regaining his breath.

"Thank you for tonight Jeff."

He whispers before he passes out. Jeff strokes his soft brownish hair, hugging the body. Another day of Us looking for him to release his annoyance with Bible and another day Jeff gladly welcomes him because he always loves the other.

Last night, Us called him drunkenly crying, hours after he left his office hurriedly. He found him in his regular club, gulping on his seventh cup of drinks, grumbling about Bible and Build.

As usual, he brought him to his apartment coaxing the sad soul, giving him praises and compliments to make him forget. The same routine he did over and over again without hesitation, without reluctance whenever Us had a problem and wanted someone to talk to. Jeff was there for him. 

He is always there to support him.

He doesn't when it started but Jeff he has always loved Us Nititorn. From the first time he met him, seeing the innocent guy smiling brightly, eyes wandering with yearns and hopes to become a star, he knew already liked him.

He knows it's wrong to have the feeling when Us is Bible's lover and Bible is his own best friend, that was why he kept his feeling hidden but he couldn't help to always embrace the other whenever he wanted him, fulfilling his needs to be loved and cherished whenever he feels sad with Bible.

He knows Us is aware of his obvious feeling but decided to ignore them but Jeff relentlessly stays, willingly. 

Jeff keeps accepting him as he always did, throwing away the thought that he was unwanted and being used merely because of his pure love towards him. He is sure one day Us can feel his sincerity towards him.

The day he knew Bible was married, he hoped at least he will have his chance with Us, not expecting Bible to hate Build that much. Us came to him the day after he sent Build to the hospital crying loudly because he felt betrayed by his lover and Jeff was a fool in love who hugged him and patted his back, whispering his support and putting away his own feeling.

He countlessly tried to ask Us to forget about Bible and to stop his dirty work in this cruel industry because he can always support him but in the end, it's the heart's choice. Jeff cannot force someone to love him just because he loves him so much. 

He remembers the day he begs for him.

"Please stop all of this if you really care about Bible, he sincerely introduced you to me because he loves you, he doesn't deserve all of your fake love. Or easily, you can just leave him Us. He has a husband now don't ruin their relationship like this. You can restart afresh, I will always support you."

Us can always restart afresh because Jeff will always stand behind Us. He will always be.

"I wish you can see me too Us Nititorn." He whispers.

Jeff kisses the sleeping guy's forehead, smoothing out the tangled hair hoping that one day his heart can eventually open up for him.

"I will always wait for you. I love you."


Ummm so surprised?? 🙈 anyone for JeffUs? 

So you see, Jeff has always liked Us that is why he's willing to hide Us's dirty deeds from Bible.

Short filler chapter for today. I'm sorry.

Don't be mad at me hihi~~

So happy all of you love the previous chapter

P/s: Are you waiting for Biblebuild 🔞? keep waiting mwohaha^^

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