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"Thank you P'Tong. We are really thankful for your help since Build couldn't come to the office yet."

Bible thanks Tong for taking over Build's workloads since he had taken his leave. They trust him. Tong helped Bible when he planned for the honeymoon surprise that he failed before. He is like a brother figure to both of them. One of the closest friends to Build too. 

Tong is really excited about the good news and had given them a lot of marriage and pregnancy tips. Especially to Bible as he really needs help to deal with his husband's various mood swings.

"No problem Khun Bible. I'm very happy to be able to help you. By the way sorry that you had to come here, we can send the document to him but since you insisted to get it by yourself, I feel bad."

He offers him to sit and serve Bible with earl grey tea since Build once told him Bible doesn't drink caffeine, but the gesture surprised Bible. Only his close acquaintances know he couldn't really drink caffeine.

"How do you know I only drink tea?"

"Oh...it's Build. He told me that you couldn't really consume caffeine or you'll get sick easily."

Tong smiles.

"Must be Build then. You should see how much Nodt was so dependent on caffeine before, he couldn't live without his daily coffee. But of course, he couldn't live without Build more because the other would get mad if he didn't take care of his body well. Build was a miracle for him."

Mile's words popped up in Bible's mind. Yes. Build is indeed his miracle too. He took care of him in silence even when he didn't realise it. He remembers he never told him about his preferences. It must be his own observations and how attentive he was towards Bible. He can feel his heart blooming.

"Why Khun Bible? You want to have another drink?"

Tong is confused at how he's suddenly being quiet, only face carving with a smile.

"Oh..no it's fine. I did drink coffee sometimes but yes tea is fine. Thank you phi. By the way, please just call me Bible, no need for the formalities"

Bible sips the drink slowly. Mind already thinking about his beautiful husband at home.

Tong sits down across from him. He nods before his face suddenly turns sour. He holds the warm cup in front of him. He knows a little bit about their problem and knowing how secretive Build is, he is sure there is more to it. It's great how their relationship is getting better now but he really needs to tell Bible what is in his heart.

"Nong Bible...can I say something?"

Tong begins. His hands still clasping on his cup.

Bible nods. Suddenly feeling small and judged.

"So you know, I have known Nong Build for so long, ever since they came back from Chiang Mai to Bangkok because Mrs. Puttha was sick. He was only 18 years old at that time. Very curious. Very cheerful. Very pretty just like he is now. Still unaware of many things but he has a very kind heart. A beautiful heart that captivates many people.

Everyone loves him. Everyone was fond of him. He went through so many things Nong Bible. With Mrs. Puttha, his fiancé and then Mr. Puttha leaving him, he was all alone. So I thought when he got married to you, he's already found someone who would no longer leave him but -"

Tong suddenly stops and Bible can see hints of disappointment on his face. Yes, he deserves Tong's judgement. He was the asshole who used to leave Build all alone before. He was the selfish husband who ignored and harmed Build because of his foolishness.

"Never mind that, I know that you have changed now and I really thank you. Thank you for loving him. I hope I'm not interfering but please don't hurt him again, he is so happy nowadays. His mind must be full of good things that all of us really love to see. We didn't even mention the threat in front of him anymore afraid he will be panicked again."

Tong sighs unaware that he had accidentally exposed the threat issue. Build never told Bible about it. For months, he has been totally silence about it. 

His last sentence obviously makes Bible stunned. What threat is Tong saying now? How did he never know about it?

"What do you mean phi? What threat? Did he receive any threats before? Where? Was it before we went on the honeymoon? What was it all about?"

Bible is now anxious, his mind travelled through the time Build had his panic attack. Was it around that time? Why Build didn't share anything with him?

"I'm sorry Nong Bible. He probably didn't want you to be worried."

"Tell me phi. Tell me everything about it."

And that was how Bible was aware of the cow's heart threat and instantly knew it was from Us. Us knew about his secret and he used the threat as his first warning towards Build. He had been planning to attack them for months and Build had always been his target. Bible feels helpless. Why didn't he realise it sooner?

He can feel his face hot. Teeth gnawing on his lips, the irks and annoyance overtaking him. This is too much. Us Nititorn has repeatedly crossed his line and he would not stand still.


"Don't let me see you around him again or you will never imagine what can I do to you. This is my last warning!"

Jeff did not expect the day he decided to continue his father's business in managing BOC Agency would put him into the situation he is in now. As he grows older, maturing and experiencing the ups and downs, the beauty and dirt of this industry he knows he would need those power and money to survive. With those luxuries, he can even buy someone's trust, someone's love, someone's loyalties just like someone in front of him now.

Perth is smiling smugly, happy to receive such a huge amount of money. Proud that he can live by riding on those desperate fools' money. How easy to trick them. Both Us and Jeff.

"Did you hear me?"

Jeff yells. This scum is really getting on his nerves.

"Chill, Khun Director you don't have to be too worked up over this. I won't meet him anymore. I gave you all of the copies of the photos right? What else do you want me to do?"

He counts the thick notes one by one, entranced with the feel and the smell. The smell of money, the smell of richness, the smell of wealth.

"but I can't help if Khun Us still wants to bother that pretty bitch and his husband. It's fun though. That bitch looks so beautiful. I wish I can taste hi-"

One strong hit is right into Perth's face making him fall down to the floor, wincing with the sudden attack. Jeff kneels and grabs his shirt's collar. Eyes fixed on the smaller man. Growling loud.

"Don't you ever call him by that name! You dare to touch Us, Build and Bible, I won't hesitate to end you. Seems like you don't know who am I, buddy. I warn you, if they ever got hurt, I will personally kill you. Remember that!"

Jeff kicks him one last time before getting out of the basement. He couldn't decipher how come Us dealt with this psychopath stalker. His first impression was already menacing and threatening to Jeff. The guy looks very suspicious.

He didn't believe him at all.


Go Jeff Satur!

Finally, Bible knows about the threat. It's been so long. Lol

He was paid by both Us and Jeff for different reasons. Would Perth stop though? What do you think?

Love to read your thoughts. Don't be mad at me 😜love you^^

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