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Bible grabs Build's hand and pulls him away, ignoring Us's endless cries and shouts for him.

Build is still in shock, what is happening? Did Bible really break up with Us in front of him?

But why?

Bible leads him to his car but Build needs an explanation.

"What was that?"

He stops walking. Hands still locked in Bible's warmth.

Bible keeps on pulling him away, wanting to get away from all of the situation before Build tugs his hands harder.

"Stop Bible!"

"What are you doing? You owe me an explanation!"

Bible heaves. Shoulders slump. He has to settle this. Once and for all.

"I broke up with Us and now you know I have nothing to do with him anymore" he begins.

"Yes, I saw that but why? What are you trying to show me, what are you trying to prove? What do you think of do-"

"I'm sorry." He cuts in.

Bible says the word. The word that has been playing in his mind for months, weighing heavy in his mouth. Build is stunned.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you, I'm sorry that I got angry at you. I'm sorry that I broke your heart. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Build. I'm sorry."

I'm sorry that I waste Nodt's heart in me by hating you

Bible's tears are falling down. He clenches Build's hand on his chest, feeling the heart beating faster.

He loves Build.

He loves Build before he even realises it.

"Bib- Bible.."

Build can feel his own tears threatening to fall. His bloodied hand dried in Bible's tightening clutch, it hurts but the throbbing beats of Bible's heart make his own pound crazily making him forget the pain.

"Please give me a chance to love you Build. I know I'm not worth your love but please, can I love you? I don't know when it started but I'm going crazy living a day without seeing your face. I miss your smiles, I miss your laughs, I miss your warmth. Please allow me Build, please."

He stares at the other softly, yearning for his chance.

He knows his apology is not enough to cover all of his wrongdoings towards Build but he will never give up trying.

"I can beg here if you want me to, I can beg for you forever if that's what you need."

He starts to sink to his knees. Hands still grasping on both of Build's.

"I'm sorry that I acted so bad towards you, you can punish me, you deserve to hate me, I know I hurt you badly, not even once to consider your heart and your feeling. I was overwhelmed with my own rage and ego that I put you to blame. I'm sorry Build, I'm sorry."

Bible's face is all messed with tears. His large sculpted body looks small as his shoulder hunching down, bearing the guilts and fears. He looks at his lap, feeling restless waiting for Build's response. His knees hurt from kneeling on the tarred road cannot match how much pain Build had to suffer because of him. 

"Get up, Bible"

Build pulls him. He doesn't want his husband to act like this in public.

"Get up!"

He tugs on him harder and insists to make the other stand up. Bible obeys.

He is still looking down when he feels Build unclasps their locking hands. The soft long fingers gently caress on his cheeks, wiping the unstoppable tears from them. Build touches him, holding up the chin to face him.

Bible sees it. The most beautiful person in front of him. Build's right hand is on his chin and the other is locking tight on his own. His round beautiful eyes brimming with tears, falling down his rosy cheeks.

"I can't say that you didn't hurt me, I can't say that my heart didn't break because of you, it hurts so much, it hurts that it kills me inside, it's breaking me Bible"

More tears fall,

"But once I decided to get married to you, only god knows how hard I'm holding up to stay, to make this relationship work. To understand your reason, your actions. It's not easy for me too. You're not the only one who was forced into this situation."

Build can't contain his sadness, the agony that has been hidden in his heart, the dreadfulness and contemplation that he feels. He needs someone who can understand him too. The reality of living as an unwanted husband ruined him. He doesn't know how much longer he can endure. 

He's all alone.

Build's body trembles, unable to control the distraught in his mind and the pain in his heart. He doesn't realise he's holding on Bible hard, leaning onto him trying to find the missing pillar he's been longing for.

He has doubts, he is still confused. Is it possible to trust Bible, to open his heart for him? He never hates Bible, he respects him as his husband but he can't help to be scared.

"Can I trust you Bible Wichapas?" he asks

"Can you promise me you're not going to hurt me anymore?"

he stares at the other, hoping for some assurance.

Bible holds Build's smaller hand, envelops it in his and kisses the knuckles that are shaking from fear and shock.

"I love you. I love you Build."

he strokes the hand softly, wiping the tears on Build's cheeks, caressing the soft skin. Why does he act so cruel towards him? Build doesn't deserve to be treated the way he did.

He was an idiot, he was evil.

"I promise. I promise I'll take care of you, I'll take care of our love. I'll preserve it for you, for us and for our future."

If Nodt's heart used to beat for you before, I'll make sure now it stays beating only for you too, Build.

Bible moves closer to Build, inching towards the other's face. Their breath hitched, they don't know whose hearts beat faster, eyes gazing into each other, illustrating thousands of meanings and understanding. Build's eyes glow bright, the starry night makes him more ethereal and Bible has no doubts this Build is his Build.

Bible kisses him.

Hands bracing on his head, holding it firm. Build's hands fisted on his front shirt. His eyes shut. He receives the kiss. He accepts Bible.

Their first kiss is slow but gentle, the touch is long and passionate but it's mutual.

Their lips slotted perfectly with each other. Bible can feel the soft lips on his chapped one, nipping on the full meat, tasting the cherry flavour Build used as his gloss. He loves the feeling, suddenly his heart feels complete and the heavy feeling is now gone. His mind is only filled with one person and emotions he never had before.

He hesitantly lets go of the lips, embracing his husband's petite body. Build leans on the shoulder feeling the warmth he needs to dissipate in the cold breezy night. He witnessed the eagerness in Bible's eyes and saw the efforts Bible did these past weeks, watching the break-up scene with Us unfold before him makes him agree to give Bible a chance. He nods his head.

Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

He hopes he makes the right decision.

Bible whispers in his husband's ears, hoping this moment will never pass.

"Thank you for giving me this chance, I love you Build Jakapan Sumettikul"


Build Jakapan Sumettikul aaahhhhhh!!!!

Finally my biblebuild couple reunites ;((

Your responses are the best, really love to read all of the comments. I'll try to improve my writing skills throughout this book and hope it's okay.

Thank you lovelies^^

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