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When his mama left him because of cancer, a young and immature Build wished he can follow her to heaven. When Nodt left him out of a sudden, he wished Nodt will bring him along with him. When his papa left him with no notice, he wished he should have died and met all of them again.

Build wished he could follow everyone he loves, asking them why they had to leave him all alone. Why bother living if he no longer has anyone left in this world?

But that was before. Now he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to leave. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to be trapped in this dark room. Tied. Weak. Without Bible. Without his family.

He has reasons to stay. He has reasons to live.

Everything happened too fast. He remembers someone bumped into him at the mart's entrance, he could feel the sting of the needle piercing through his arms before he totally blacked out.


Build is semi-conscious when he heard the voices. It's faint. It's far from him. It's blocked.

"Did you give him a strong drug? You're sure he won't wake up now?."

The first voice. It's familiar. He's used to listening to it.

"Yes. I gave him the strongest dose as what you ordered me to. He wouldn't wake up until midnight."

The second voice. He's never heard of it before. A stranger.

"Good. This is how you do your job Perth. That's why I like you."

He can hear the door is opened. The creaking sound mocks him. The footsteps tap slowly. Coming closer. Near and near him. Every step makes his heart beat faster.

He wants to open his eyes but he's dizzy. His head spun, his blood rushed and his body numbed.

"Tsk...tsk.. poor you honey. I can't believe after the incident at the mall, our next meeting will be in this kind of situation. But it's better right? You and me. Only two of us. Alone in this room. We can have more privacy ain't it."

The soft hand touched his face. The coldness seeped through his hot feverish skin. The voice is now clearer. Build recognises it very well. He's fully aware of the owner.

"I wish you were already up now. But I guess you can take your time sweetie. We have so many things to talk about but since you're still out of it, it's not fun having to talk alone."


Go ahead. Talk to me!

You have been fooled. I'm all up now.

You're an idiot Us Nititorn! You trust people easily.

Harsh. Build can feel the hard grab on his chin, crushing his jaw. Us doesn't realise that he's already awake. Fully conscious from his deep slumber but he's faking it. Shutting his eyes tight. Controlling his tremble and fear.

Build has to calm down. He has to think wise. The situation is not in his favour. Acting rashly will damage him more. 

The second footsteps suddenly barge into the room. Rush. Loud. Panic.

Build wishes he can still control his expression but the sudden heavy weight thrown towards his chair makes him slump down on his side. The fall is hard. His stomach hurts from the impact.


Build grunts from the pain. He wishes he can rub the hurting part but his hands are all tied.

"Baby...I'm sorry...be strong please.."

Soft he whispers to his babies, praying that they can hold on to him.


"Who is this?!!"

There is a panic sound hinted at Us's voice. To see another figure laying down weak beside Build, he is afflicted. Added with Build who is fully awake now, all aware of his surroundings, Us's anxiety grows.

"Fuck. You are really stupid Us. Don't you realise Jeff sent someone to tail you? What would you do if I didn't catch him sooner?."

Perth's voice deafening in the small room. Angry. Bewildered at how reckless Us is not to notice that he had been followed for months.

"What did you do to him? Did you kill him?."

Us knows he's the one who hired Perth. He knows the guy would compel doing anything he instructed him to.

But the same guy is too unpredictable. He is mean. He is mysterious. 

It's sickening.

"What else should I do? He can be our witness Us. We don't need another mouth to pick on us after that one."

Perth points at Build. The poor man is cowering alone in the corner. Trying to control his breath to ease his pain. Their focus is now on him. Perth walks slowly towards Build with a naughty grin on his face, observing Build up and down, as if wanted to devour him whole. 

Build feels small. He feels helpless.

Perth's hand is now trailing on the pale face, poking the soft skin with his long calloused nails. He wipes the tears shedding on the red cheeks. Grabbing the small face. Harsh and rough.

"Seeing you close, well, no wonder Bible choose you over that psycho bitch. You're one beautiful angel, huh"

It's faint but Build can clearly hear the low whispers from Perth right to his ears, unnoticed by Us before the sickening guy blows his face with alcohol and cigarette-smelt breath, making him queasy instantly.  

"Now that you're up why don't we play a game? Do you want to talk to your husband, beautiful? Jeff must be with Bible now. Should I call him?"

"What are you trying to do idiot?!"

Us interrupts. Snapping mad at him. Perth is reacting in his own way now. Taking charge of everything. Ignoring Us completely.

"Shhh...shut up. Let me play with him for a bit. Then you can continue with your own game."

Perth stands up and explores the body of the unconscious man before taking the phone out. The only number in the contact log is Jeff's number. 

He clicks on the dial button.

One ring and it's connected.

"JJ! Hello! Are you there? Talk to me!!!

"Hello. Why are you quiet?"

"Where are you?!"

It's Jeff.

Us is panicking. Why did he call him? What is Perth planning to do? He runs to grab the phone at the same time Build screams loudly.


Us slaps Build's face. Mouthing shut up at him.


Us disconnects the call before throwing away the phone. Far from them. His eyes blared red. His breath hitched. Now glaring right at Perth.


"You don't fucking order me Perth. I am your boss here. What kind of fucking game you wanted to play?!"

He slaps the other's face several times. Losing his control.

"Listen. I paid you. Your poor ass can only survive with my whole fucking money. Know your place. Don't you dare to disobey me?! Don't you ever dare to cross your lines?! Now get out!"

Perth hisses with the attack before going out of the room. His face bleeds from the continuous slaps from Us. The door slammed loudly with his push. Behind their back, no one noticed the sly smile carving on his devilishly cunning face.

He will come back.


Two separate chapters for this part. You will hate me but please don't give up on me.

Thank you for supporting this book. Love you all^^

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