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Build shouts. His hand raised high, almost flying through the other's face. He doesn't care whether he's in the public or not, he doesn't care if Us is a well-known celebrity or not, especially when he is now being super rude to him. He has to show him that he's not a weak person who's easily bullied by others.

But you are not as low as that Build, no violence remember?

He grips his hand hard, nails digging deeper into his palm. He has to calm down. This is not the way. Build contemplates on hurting Us but his patience is running low, the attack was so sudden and downgrading, his heart hurts.


It's not Build

It's Bible.

Both Build and Us are shocked by the presence. Standing behind Bible, Build gaps with the loud hitting sound. He wanted to pretend to slap Us, raising his hand high but never intended to really touch him as he cannot accept anybody degrading him like that, he has his own pride that no one can ever step on, his parents raised him not to be a punching bag but Bible intercepts him.

Bible comes in between them. His pale right hand was red from slapping Us. Bible knows he hit Us hard. He knows it stings. His mind travels through the time he slapped Build before. 

Vicious. Brutal. Harsher than he did to Us.

His stomach churns.

He was more evil towards Build.

Us feels the hit, he lets go of his grip on Build and touches his face. The pale cheek started to bloom red from the slap. Then the realisation hits him.

Bible slapped him. Bible Wichapas Sumettikul slapped him because of Build. His eyes bore deep into the man who is now protecting Build behind him.

"Bible, how dare you!"

He punches the man's chest nonstop, dumbfounded by the situation.

Bible never let even a fly near Us. Bible is a fool who loves him so much and is willing to risk everything for him, Bible went furious towards anyone who dared to touch him but now he is the one who raised his hand on him and that is all because of Build.

His blood boils. Implausible. Unbelievable. 


Bible's breath hitches, his shoulder heaving up and down, his large hand enveloping Us's small wrists and crushing him tightly. His eyes pierce back staring right at him.

"Ouch, let me go Bible. You're hurting me"

The other keeps on silent. After he arrived there, he witnessed the scene right before him. How hard Us pushed his husband unprepared, how bad he insulted him, how shocked Build was and how his small hands instantly got injured from the strong fall.

Call it his instinct or his sanity, he has to protect Build from Us. No one touches him.


Us's eyes blinking fast, he never sees this version of Bible. His wrist feels hurt from the tight grip.

"No one touches Build. NO ONE TOUCHES MY HUSBAND!"

Each sentence is uttered stern in front of Us. His voice is loud. demanding.

"You don't get to touch Build as long as I'm still alive Us. You don't have the right to!"

He feels he's eating his own actions, he did the exact similar thing to Build before.

"Listen to me Us Nititorn. From now on, don't you dare to show up in front of me and don't you ever meet Build behind my back. Do you think I don't know what have you been doing all this time Us? Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you think I'm quiet because I'm that ignorant?

I'm holding on because I loved you but now I'm so sick of your betrayal and lies. You can fuck off with your scandals out there. Get what you want from them because we're over Us Nititorn. Over!."

He lets go of the grip, relief to tell Us what has been on his mind these few months.

Bible knows Us too well. Too well that he pretended he didn't care what the other was doing throughout their relationship. He was the one who introduced Us to the entertainment industry. He was the one who believed Us's dream will make both of them happy and will strengthen their relationship more. 

He just didn't expect it will turn out like this.

He knew Us was constantly lying to him, he knew the other cheated with him especially when he wanted to star in a big project. He knew what Us did to score the expensive deals. He knew how Us had been playing around but he was stupid, too blind in love that he was willing to forgive and forget. Too much cherishing their years of a relationship that he preferred to keep trusting Us and foolishly ignored his own husband.

Now he's tired.

Bible doesn't know when his heart actually signalled him. Maybe when he saw how enchanting Build's smiles were, or when he listened to the squeaking laughter that sounded so euphonious on him or maybe when Build's ears and cheeks turn red whenever he was embarrassed.

When he saw how Build was so intimate and comfortable with his parents and during that time where the kids in Faith got attached fast to him, how all of them love their P'Build after meeting  in that short span of time. 

Bible couldn't deny that his heart thrummed faster.

Count in the time he rushed to protect Build during their dodgeball game, seeing the flushed face wrinkled with worries over him and when his heart clenched seeing Build's pale face pooling with tears and pain when he's hurt. Over Bible's words, over his actions.

He was sorry, he hates his own stupid self.

The moment he saw how vulnerable Build was, he knew he wanted to protect him, to repay all of his mistakes towards him. Bible knew its love. 

He loves Build long before he knew about the secret about his heart. He loves Build months after regretting what he did to him. He doesn't have to count how many occurrences he experienced to prove that he's already falling for his husband. 

Bible can no longer lie to himself.

It's not because he feels indebted, it's not because he was forced to. When Mile told him to listen to his heart, asking if he loves Build. He already knows the answer.

He loves Build.

Yes. He loves him.


Urmmm.. Bible finally admits his feelings. Now left with him to confront Build

Btw, Biu is so pretty in KPWT Taipei tonight I'm so in love 😘

I'm sorry I love my cutiepie Us, remember this is only fiction. They're all my KP babies not gonna let anyone hurt them

Thank you for reading. I love to see your comments and responses. Hope this is okay so far^^

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