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"Thanks Jeff. I wish I can meet that bastard but Build is not doing so well with his health that I can't leave him that long. Thank you for working on this matter with me."

Jeff asked to meet Bible a week after he met Perth. All those secrets and truths about Us's plan and Perth's involvement have been exposed by him. Or that Jeff assumed he was. Hoping the psychopath won't leave anything out.

Everything was for money. The revelation blew his mind to think that all those hates towards Build just because Us wanted an act of revenge. It's ridiculous. It was cheap.

Bible informed Jeff about the leaked document and the threat to seek help from his friend. He wanted to confront Us but this is not just a simple matter. Us could already plot thousands of acts and traps in his mind. He was desperate to avenge both Bible and Build. That was the key to how Jeff knew about Us's deal with Perth. They are working secretly on this matter as they don't want Us to suspect anything.

"So Perth said he got the copy for Us as he paid the hospital staff to retrieve the document. We still don't know who the staff is but I will make sure they will be fired and sued for their misconduct. This is unacceptable. I'm sorry you had to face this and I'm sorry I don't know about your heart secret as well."

Jeff sighs. He never expected that Bible and Build will meet in this twisted fate play. What Bible told him was still blurry in his mind.

"But how did Us know? This is our family's secret that even Build didn't know. How illogical is this?"

Bible still cannot imagine what occurrences Us knew. It's impossible his parents or his brothers would expose it to anyone else.

"You remember Faith Family Day in Chiang Mai?" Jeff asks him.

"Yes, what about it? I knew about the secret the same day. Us hasn't arrived yet at that time."

Bible clearly remembers the day. How his heart beat faster to see another version of Build, how Build ran away from them, how he got furious over the accidentally exposed secret. But what about the day? Us was late. He arrived when Bible has already left the house. They didn't even meet in Chiang Mai.

His eyebrow furrowed, forehead wrinkled hard to remember if he ever missed any part.

"It's not Us. It's Perth. He was there as the support staff for your event. He took the part-time job because he knew Us will be there. What a bloodied sasaeng he is!" Jeff snarls.

"He was the one who overheard your conversation about the heart condition and relayed it to Us. Do you know what he got in exchange? All those Us's naked photos, Us's promises to sleep with him and tell me what kind of trash stalker would reject it?"

Jeff's voice trembles. His nails dug deep into his own palm. Anger. Upset. How much lower can Us be just for his revenge?

His heart stung to be reminded of Perth's face all grinning and satisfied that he was finally able to buy his favourite actor's trust with the exclusive source. A manipulative psychopath with a desperate person like Us, what a nice collaboration they have.

To say Bible was furious is an understatement when he is beyond mad right now. So Perth used the secret to manipulate Us and he believed him. He can feel his blood boiling high. He has to meet Perth, he has to show the psycho who he deals with.

Jeff grabs Bible's stiff shoulder, seeing his friend almost losing his control. They can't act recklessly now when they already know who is the mastermind behind this. They have to stop Us so that everything can end.

"Jeff, I'm sorry that you like him but Us has crossed the lines, he can-"

"I've failed him." He cuts in.

"I've failed Us. We have lost our old friend completely Bib. He's going too far now, I don't know if we can get him back."

There is a hint of disappointment and giving up in Jeff's voice. Where does it start to go wrong? Will he be able to help Us by now?

"Don't worry about my feelings for him. I think I'm too used to being treated like his sidekick, I can't feel anything anymore. The most important thing now, we have to stop him as soon as possible. Build's safety is our priority."

Bible will risk his life for Build. His husband should not be the target for Us's jealousy. It's his mistake that makes Us hates them. Too clouded with his own wrath that now he puts his husband's life in danger. Us can't touch Build. He will never allow him.


"Khun Us Nititorn, here is some delivery for you. Have a good night."

Us just got back from his CF photoshoot when the security guard gave him the box of delivery. He doesn't think he purchases anything before but maybe it's a gift from his fans or something.

He unwraps the box soon after he arrived at his house, lounging on his couch excited to see what's inside to be attacked with another collection of him sleeping and kissing with different men. Worst when it also has his naked photos taken in his own house.

His mind was puzzled. Didn't Jeff settle the issue with the paparazzi? He said he had paid the agency but what is this?

Us is super annoyed that he throws the box away, making all the photos scattered across his floor before he saw it. 

A letter.

You thought you can ruin my life? Think again Us Nititorn, I'm not that easy to be played around. Nothing can hurt me. Not even your childish threat.  - S.P

The S.P initial grab Us's attention. S.P. Is it Sumettikul and Puttha? Is it Build?

Yes. It's obviously Build. Build attacked him to repay for what he did. Build bravely threatens him back because of the secret that he had exposed to him.

Us is laughing crazily. The exhilaration resonating his living hall, echoing throughout the big empty space. He's awed by how one Build Jakapan Puttha wanted to play with him. It's interesting that Build didn't feel affected enough by what he did. Didn't he feel hurt by the revelation? Bible lied to him. He ran away from them that time he was exposed to the secret.

That bitch is surely not an easy feat he guesses.

His fingers trace through the written letter, feeling more pumped out to fight. Two can always play the game.

"Wow Build Jakapan...you make this game more interesting. Never thought you'd play along with me. Wonder if Bible knows this is how you are. We'll see honey, who's gonna win this. I'm gonna end you before you even start bitch!"

The letter in his hand is scrunched in deathly grips, thrown away hastily to the floor before he steps on it. Imagining it's Build who he had defeated. It's Build who dared to challenge him. Us is still howling evilly. Build will never win over him.

He is Us. The top Us Nititorn. No one can mess around with him.

Maybe he should start with his final plan then. As long as Build exists, his heart will never be at peace. That poor guy surely disregards him over what he can do.

He reaches for his phone and begins to call someone.

"Hello, Perth..."


What do you think Us planned to do? Who is S.P?

Did Build really play along with him?

I know you guys don't want more angst but I think I'll have to write another conflict to make the storyline go smoothly (?) if only it's smooth though ㄲㄲㄲ

Thank you for showering me with your love. I'm sorry if this book kinda dragged or doesn't suit your preferences. I tried my best. Love you all^^

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