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Apo loves surprises. Apo is always ready for surprises. When Mile surprised him with a marriage proposal after two years of them pining for each other, he accepted it on the spot. When Mr. Sumettikul offered him a role as the principal of Faith because the ex-chairman said he was the only one who deserved for the post, he was fully honoured by the position.

When his now husband told him that he was ready for a kid, Apo let him take his body for rounds but right now in front of both Doctor Ping and Build, right in the hospital where he only planned to accompany Build, he couldn't believe that the result from him throwing up from the hospital smell will turn out as he is diagnosed with pregnancy at the same day.

Out from the hospital, Build hugs him tight, so excited with the news of his favourite brother is now one month pregnant. It's too early Apo said but the confirmation excites them.

"Phi...congratulations! I'm so happy I can't wait for my twins to have a friend."

Build is so happy that he didn't realise he accidentally disclosed the news that he will be having twins. His mouth gasps when he knows he slips out. Both hands are now covering his mouth. Eyes blinking fast.

"Twins? You're having twins? Oh my god yes! I always know this. Your tummy is unusually big for one baby. Yes, twins. I'm so happy Nong. I'm so happy. Congratulations my baby Biu!"

Now Apo hugs him tight. Can't believe that Build will be having twins. His instinct is always right. Seeing Build's tummy is bigger than usual pregnancies, he often asked the pair whether they were having twins or not. Turns out it's true.

Apo rubs his own tummy, obviously with no apparent bump yet for now but he can't wait to see their baby growing. Mile must be so thrilled with the progress. Will his tummy become big as the days' pass? Will he gain more weight for their baby?

Build bites his lips. This is a secret from Bible. He even asked Doctor Ping to join him in the secret, telling him that he will make it a surprise for Bible but now Apo already knows about it. Should he just announce it tonight?

As if can sense his discomfort, Apo pats him. Eyes rolling. Didn't believe that Build wanted to keep the secret even from him.

"You didn't tell anyone? not bpâa Anita? Even Bible?"

Build shakes his head. No one knows about this twin's pregnancy aside from Doctor Ping and him, okay now Apo included. His fingers fiddle with the hem of his shirt. His ears are already red from his accidentally exposed secret. He really can't lie.

"I planned on not telling Bible yet but now when I think about it again, I'm all ready to announce it during our family gathering tonight and since you know about it and you're also pregnant, why don't we make it as double announcement? It will be more fun ain't it, phi?"

He smiles wider. Eyes sparkling. Hands clasping with Apo. Trying to bounce small with his round heavy body. Can't wait to surprise everyone with the double news. He can already imagine how would Bible react to them having twins as their firstborn. His husband must be super exhilarated. Now he already misses meeting Bible.

"Yes. Let's do that. Let's make tonight one of the best nights for all. Now come on. Let's go and buy for the preparation. Let's cook a lot of dishes. I have to eat more for my baby."

Apo sing-song, he's laughing brightly while carefully escorting Build to their car.

"You wish phi. I hope you're not having serious morning sickness like me."

Build is cackling along with him. His heart light. So blessed with the beautiful news for both of their families.

"It's okay. I will make sure I am strong like you too. Actually, my fingers itch to call your P'Mile but let's wait till tonight. So curious how my bae would react to this news."

Apo kisses his brother's temple once Build has comfortably sat down in the car before driving them to the mart. Hearts blooming with happiness. He is pregnant. Build is having twins. Their families are growing. What more surprises does he need?


They arrived at the mart around 20 minutes from the hospital. Since it's weekdays, the mart is quite empty with not that many customers around. Build had just hung up from his phone call with Bible when they hopped off from the car.

"Bible can never miss you for a second or he will lose his mind. I don't even know if he's the same Bible I used to know before. He's that whipped for you Biu."

Apo teases him. Honestly, he is too grateful to see their relationship is working very well now. They went through so many hardships before but destiny undoubtedly has its own special way to keep them together.

"Please make use of it so he knows how important you are in his life. That's how you can control him."

"Phi...oh my god no..."

Build taps his forehead. His cheeks turned red from restraining his laughter. He knows Apo is joking. His brother is chortling along with his words. It's funny as if he means to make him a queen-control in their marriage.

Of course, he doesn't have to control Bible when both of them work hard to live with mutual understanding and consideration. As days and months passed, Bible and Build obviously have gotten so much better with their marriage. It's his one and only wishes, to see the promises and vows continue to grow eternally. The relationship that was once started from countless hate and arguments will finally mature through another phase of acceptance and love.

"You know I'm joking right? Anyway, let me get the trolley first okay? I'm not gonna be long. Wait for me Biu."

They stand at the mart entrance before Apo offered to get the trolley for them. Build waits for him, eyes already scanning inside the place, calculating the list of ingredients they need for their dishes tonight.

He plans to cook Bible's favourite Thailand meals, so there will be tom yum goong, som tum, Geang Keow Wan Gai, Pad Gra Pao Gai Kai Dao and Kai Yad Sai meanwhile Apo wanted to prepare his husband's favourite spring rolls, Kuay Teow Lui Suan along with some desserts which will be prepared by Tong. 

It will be their first family gathering after such a long time and the first meal he will cook after Bible finally allowed him back to cooking. Plus in addition to the surprises, Build only hopes their plan will go smoothly and work well.

He is too focused on the list that he didn't notice a pair of eyes that keep lingering on him ever since their visit to the hospital and now at the mart.


Everyone knows Apo loves surprises. Apo is always ready for surprises. But he would never be ready when the surprise comes in a form of Build missing after he comes back to the mart's entrance with their trolley. Only Build's cell phone is laying dead on the floor.

Apo is frantic. His mind goes blank. Where is his brother? Where is Build?

No matter how many rounds he runs throughout the mart, no matter how many persons he asks, no matter how many times he shouts for the name. No one saw his brother. No one witnessed any suspicious incident. No one heard any commotion.

But his younger brother is missing.

Build is gone.

Apo wishes this is not another surprise because he will never..ever..ever..ever be prepared of losing Build.




Now it begins. Should I ask an obvious question who did that? Lol

Will anything happen to Build?

Apo loves surprises. Do you like it too?

Thank you for supporting this book till it's almost to an end. Few more chapters left.

I really appreciate all your love and hype. Especially when you share your thoughts and comments on each chapter. That really motivated me all along.

Love you guys^^

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