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< Four (4) Years >

"Congratulations Jeff. I thought you don't want to come back anymore. I'm so happy for you buddy. You deserved this. When is the wedding by the way?"

Bible teases his friend, surprised by the happy news from him. The other only smiles. He missed Bible and Build. He missed the twins. He missed home. He comes back for the new chapter of his life.

After four years of migrating to the States, to find his solace, to refresh, Jeff comes back to Thailand with a boyfriend and now fiancé along with news of them getting married. He visits Bible and Build in their new house to invite them to the wedding which will be held in the next two months.

The Sumettikul family are now living in a luxury complex in Sukhumvit since Bible wanted more privacy with bigger and larger space for their growing family. His old apartment is rented out to a tenant.

The couple is so excited about the news. Bible was right. Jeff will heal and time will allow him to meet new people, learn to love again and be happy.

Throughout his years out from Thailand, they were still in contact with each other. Every year the twins would receive gifts from their favourite Uncle Jeff.

Build is thankful for that. Jeff never forgets about them even though he's miles away from the family.

Jeff never forgets even when it's about Us.

Us Nititorn.

Three years after spending his time for treatment and therapy while serving for his sentences, Us was discharged earlier due to his good behaviour in prison. Plus his condition has incredibly improved now.

No one knows where he is now. Perhaps redeeming his mistakes somewhere far, somewhere high but Build never wishes him bad.

A day before he disappeared, he met Build and Bible.

< flashback >

They met him after three years when he came to their house, right after the couple had just gotten back from their monthly grocery shopping. Us was drenched in breezes of air post-raining, looking tired and despair. Refusing to come in, Us stood by the entrance, head looking down before he kneeled in front of them.

His hands were still on his lap, clenched and trembling.

"Oh, P'Us.."

Build ran small towards Us to pull him up but Bible stopped him. He grabbed Build's wrist tight to remain standing in front of Us.

"Let him. Let's see what he wanted to tell"

"But Biben-"

One look from Bible and Build understood. He stood still beside Bible. His hands twitched to help not because he forgive or forget but no human being should be treated lower than one another. That was not the way.

"Get up P'Us. Come inside. You will get sick."

Build asked him. The weather was cloudy and windy. The man in front of them was only wearing one piece of clothing. Staying outside would make him caught in the cold. Build didn't want that.

The other didn't bulge. Unmoving. Stayed in his position. Listening to Build's words, Us's mind travelled to the years he met the younger. Still the same person. Kind, compassionate and loving. If only he chose the right way before, maybe they can be close friends now. If only.

"I'm sorry"

The word that has been playing in his mind since he was in prison. No. Since the day Build sacrificed himself to help him from Perth. It should be sooner than that. It shouldn't have been uttered if only he acted kind towards the younger man.

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