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"Hey Bible"

Jeff greets him. Waving excitedly able to meet his best friend outside of work hours.

After Bible got married they rarely spend their time with each other aside from attending meetings together and discussing company deals.

Bible called Jeff to meet him. He has an unresolved matter that he needed to settle with the other. Jeff doesn't know Bible is aware of everything regarding Us, from his dirty works up to Jeff's hidden feelings.

Man-to-man talk, Bible wanted to sort out this issue today.


One strikes right into Jeff's face, surprising him who is clueless about the sudden attack. Hand immediately holding the part he got hit.

"That was for lying to me"

Bible snaps.

Another hit

"This is for betraying our friendship."

Two sudden punches from Bible right after they met. Jeff is surprised. Too dumbfounded by the situation. Why Bible suddenly do this to him?

"What is this?"

He snarls, his own wrath taking over his patience. He touches his face which is now starting to swell, Bible Wichapas's punch never feels weak. He's used to his short-tempered friend but to be attacked out of nowhere like this, it's unfair.

"You are my friend Jeff, how dare you keep everything from me?"

Jeff's eyes wide opened.

What does Bible mean? Don't tell him Bible already know about their lies.

"I- I don't understand, what do you mean Bib?"

"Us Nititorn. You know what he did behind my back right? You are aware of his acts from the years he started doing this? Why don't you stop him Jeff? Why do you lie to me? You know how much I care about him, how much I loved him before?"

Bible begins, feeling heavy with the situation. He cannot believe why Jeff would keep the secret behind him. Jeff knows about his past feelings towards Us more than anyone else. Bible used to prioritise Us more than anything else, even betraying his own husband.

Jeff is speechless, this is the moment that he wanted to avoid. The painful encounter that he is not prepared to face. He thought Bible doesn't know about his involvement with Us's betrayal.

The day he met Us, he only told him that Bible broke up with him because of Build, nothing else. Us looked so helpless mourning over his ended relationship with Bible. He never expects it because his secret has been exposed to Bible.

Again, Us Nititorn lied to him.

Jeff is upset. He doesn't want to end up like this. He doesn't want to break his friendship with Bible. He also doesn't want to lose Us but he wonders if he has any options left.

"Why are you quiet? You are happy to see me being treated like an idiot? He doesn't love me Jeff, he was playing with my heart when I really cherished our love. 8 years bro, I spent 8 years loving him. He was there when I was sick, Us was there treating me and taking care of me, were all of that just mere acting?"

"Bib- Bible, I-"

Jeff has no words to say. He was wrong, Us was wrong.

"No wonder he never wanted to marry me, ignoring my proposals, telling me he was not ready and I was like a fool believing him."

Bible sighs, he sits down on the bench near the almost empty park. He keeps wondering how stupid he was to harvest his time and his love for someone who never appreciates him.

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