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Us knows where Build is working at, well obviously not from Bible because the mere mention of Build's name makes Bible all angry and agitated. He has his own informant, so now he's heading to Build's childcare centre to 'visit' him. He brought along a bouquet of flowers and gifts to belatedly congratulate him on his wedding with Bible or in other means, to mock him. 

He loves being so superior especially knowing the winning is on him.

Build is in his room when he hears the hustle outside of his office, he goes out, surprised to see the most famous actor a.k.a the nation sweetheart a.k.a his husband's lover standing proudly in the middle of his office's lobby surrounded by his workers, being so awed by the actor's presence.

"oh, Biubiu" Us loudly says the name seeing Build at his room's door, he walks fast towards him before hugging him tightly.

Since when did they become this close? Build wonders.

"I'm sorry dear, I have important things to say to my beloved friend now, I'll meet you again after this, bye" he threw lots of kisses to the crowds before pushing Build into the room.

"What are you doing here?"

Build can expect the intention. He is not stupid, especially after seeing Us with his bouquet and gift, smiling so wide being all fake in front of him.

"You know dear"

he throws the flowers and gift to the floor. He wanders the room observing the interior before standing right in front of Build.

"So this is Bible's husband? Oh wait, the husband he doesn't want oops"

he smirks, eyes accessing Build up and down.

"Well so beautiful huh, but pity you honey, Bible Wichapas hates you"

he touches Build's face lightly and fakes laughs. It's all fun having to tease this poor man. Bible Wichapas Sumettikul can never see his beauty when Us Nititorn is the only one staying in his heart.

Build knows his blood is boiling high right now but he has to stay calm, there is no use fighting fire with fire. He maintains his calm composure and keeps on listening to this guy in front of him boasting about his relationship with Bible.

"You know right, Bible and I have been together for years, he's all over me for years and of course, he will do anything for me when you, yes you here, just met him for months. Wait, he doesn't even know you before this. Oh my god"

Us covers his mouth, fake gasping while eyes blinking hard at Build. Feeling bad on his behalf.

"But you know, I'm so curious to know how does it feel to be an unloved husband, Build Jakapan? Does he love you as much as he loves me? Does he treat you with luxuries and gifts? Does he bring you on vacation and shower you with his wealth? And does he ever make love to you honey? he snickers.

"by the way Bible is so good in bed, urgh I feel so lucky. I bet you don't know hah"

he whispers the last part seductively in Build's ears. Face pride with hate and loathes.

Us focuses on Build's face while talking about Bible and his relationship, trying to detect the change in the expression but all he got is a bored expression from the other. He smacks his lips annoyed feeling having to talk to a rock.


Build picks up the flowers and gifts that Us threw to the floor and scans them. He unwraps the gift box seeing a set of red lingerie on it. So, this is their kinks hah? he thought.

His hands shake but he stays calm, Us purposely giving him the unnecessary gift to annoy him but Build Jakapan is not a loser, he pulls the bright red laced panties out from the box and twirls them in his index finger.


He looks at Us and the panties back and forth.

"This is your kink huh?"

He asks him. Panties are still on the finger before he walks towards the man.

"but what to do Khun Us, Bible knows I love black more so he already bought lots of this set for me, saying it's very sexy when I put it on."

"But it's okay though, I will wear this in front of him when we're alone in our house okay, after all, it's a gift and I appreciate it."

he brings the panties to his chest, faking to hug them.

"And just so you know, in our house there are only two of us. TWO. Bible and I and no one else. Do you know what will happen if there's only me and Bible especially when I'm all pretty in front of him?

Last night was too good already I can't wait for his wild action tonight. He craves my body too much saying it's the most beautiful one he's ever seen. Oh no, my husband is so into me."

Build winks, smiling wide at him.

You're not the only one who can act Us Nititorn. I'm all in for this game.

Build notices how angry Us's face is right now but he can't stop there when these two person, Bible and Us thought he's that easy to manipulate.

"..and listen here my dearest Khun Us Nititorn, you may have known him earlier, you may have enjoyed his money more, you may have had sex with him but now I'm the only one who got married to him, who's legally allowed to use his first name, to be called a Sumettikul. And let me correct you, I am not Build Jakapan for you Khun Us but call me Build Sumettikul. Build Jakapan SUMETTIKUL, Bible Wichapas Sumettikul's official husband."

he smoothly replies to him face poised even though his heart is beating so fast. He feels like throwing up all the food he's eaten, having to utter all the words.

Build Sumettikul?

you wish, Build.

He walks towards the door before opening it wide.

"I'm sorry but I bet our business is over now, so please excuse yourself from my room or I'll have to call security over. You don't want your name to be in today's headlines because you have to be chased out from here right?

Oh and before I forget let me remind you in case you don't know, everyone who wanted to meet me have to make an appointment beforehand and you're not special enough to just barge into my office like this. So there you go, have a nice day Khun Us Nititorn, goodbye and hope we will never meet again."

Now it's clearer, Us's face is all red from holding his anger. This Build really annoyed him to death. How come he can easily says that to his face. He's gonna tell Bible about this whole thing. He walks pass him quickly getting out from the room being all moody and aggravated.

You wait Build Jakapan. I'll come back for you. You just wait.

He hisses before stomping his foot out from the office.


Thank you for all the support and comments. It really boost my motivation. Btw do you like Build's character in this book? Hope this story is okay so far. Love you^^

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