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Bible had just stood up to meet with the banker to settle some issue with his credit card when Build asked for his permission to stroll through the mall first, complaining that his legs hurt if he keeps sitting down.

Bible allowed him, considering that he was near his husband enough not knowing that in a span of a short time, Us was already around them to harass Build.

Bible is looking for Build after he finished his business when he saw the crowd cornering at something or is it, someone? He squints his eyes before seeing it's his Build and Us in front of him.

Bible has never been running that fast before he pushes through the crowd to prevent Us who is now walking towards his husband. Build is bending in pain, one hand holding on to his waist, another one rubbing his stomach. His husband's face scrunched.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

The smaller man is pushed down the floor again. The fall is hard and Bible has no regrets about it.

Bible is losing his control. He wanted to attack Us more when Build is calling him from behind. Voice low and small.


"Come on Biu, I'll bring you to the hospital."

Bible puts Build's hand on his shoulder and supports his waist before walking him away from the scrutiny, ignoring everyone in the crowds who witnessed the scene before shouting loud towards Us. 

His own voice is loud thundering the hall.

"If anything happened to my husband and my baby. I will make sure you pay for it Us Nititorn. Get lost!."


"He's fine now. He had a mild contraction which was why he felt a squeezing kind of pain in his abdomen. Since his blood pressure is quite high too, any type of stress or tiredness will trigger the pain. You see his stomach is a bit stiff now effect of the sudden tension he had. Please Mr. Sumettikul, I wish you don't expose your husband to any more incidents that can shock him. It is not healthy for both father and baby."

Doctor Ping reminded him before walking out of the room. Build is resting now and he will be allowed to go home when he wakes up. Bible rubs his face, glad that there is nothing bad happened to his husband. He tried so hard to distance Us from Build. He thought his apologies would soften his heart. 

What else did Us want from them?

< flashback >

"Can we talk?"

Direct Bible asked him when he met Us in the actor's studio room.

"Wow, it's Khun Bible Wichapas Sumettikul. Never thought I'd see you here. Did you miss me?"

The other smirked, hands ruffling his hair in front of the varsity mirror. Responding to Bible only by the reflection in the mirror.

"I'll cut this short. Please don't touch Build. You have a problem with me not him. Don't involve him with our issue. I'm sorry for hurting you. I know I was being unfair towards you. That was my mistake, that was my part so if you wanted to get revenge, do it on me not my family."

Us thought he always know Bible more than anyone else. His Bible has his own pride and ego that always being part of his life but this Bible in front of him now is a new Bible.

This Bible mans up for his mistake and apologizes to him, this Bible begging him to spare his family. This is not Bible that he always knows. A spark of realisation glinted in his eyes. Build really changed Bible and he feels his anger swallowing up his conscience again.

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