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Bible gets out of the room feeling so heated over the situation. They can't even talk to each other yet, no matter how many times he tried Build never wanted to see him, to give him chance to explain, to listen to him.

Apo can see the guilt in Build's eyes, the younger man doesn't mean to hurt Bible. Maybe blame it on his sensitive emotions now, Build just feel so helpless and distracted he wanted to vent his feelings out, towards something, towards someone and maybe right now, Bible had to be the person.

"You didn't mean that right?"

He pats the slumped back. Build nods, looking at Apo with eyes brimming with tears. He shakes his head, feeling the heavy feeling weighing him down.

"Give Bible chance Build. I know you acted out of your emotions, you are being so overprotective towards your hurting heart afraid it will break again but Bible needs your time Build. Let him explain from his side. Communication is always a key in marriage dear."

Apo hugs him. Build is now sobbing loudly in his embrace.

He understands how sensitive a pregnant person is. Build is only in the early trimester of his first-time pregnancy and he couldn't control his emotions well. Added to the miscommunication and fears, he knows Build would be too anxious to face his husband.

"You want to try to go home with Bible, Nong Biu?"

Apo asks him again and the silence means yes.


Bible brings him into their house after settling with the hospital needs. The whole ride back in their car is accompanied by a deep silence. He knows his anger was overtaking him just now. Build needs time. To recover and to refresh his mind. He should have acted better tending to his husband's rollercoaster emotions.

"Sit down first, you must be tired now."

Bible sits him down on the couch before standing up to get him water.

"Bible." Build grabs the other's hand, urging him to sit down.

"I'm sorry I was being rude to you. I shouldn't have acted like that towards you."

He begins, eyes only focusing on his lap. Fidgety. Bible stays on his side, waiting if Build finally wanted to listen to him.

Build suddenly gets up to get his bag before taking out one envelope, the one that he found in the bag Us left him the last time they met. His hand shaking, he read the content inside when he was in the motel. He doesn't think he can read it again.

He hands out the document to Bible before sitting down on the couch.

"I think I'm ready to hear your explanation on this"

Bible never thought he would see the copy of his heart transplantation surgery with his name as the patient and Nodt Nutthasid as the donor right in front of him.

Where did Build get this? It's supposed to be confidential. He looks at Build confused.

"Was it Us?" He asks his husband. Build nods.

"Maybe he wanted to give me proof of the secret that he exposed. It's not important Bible. Please I just want to know your side of the story." He pleads, tired of playing tugs on his heart.

Bible exhales silently before he begins, fingers hovering over the black and white typed letter.

He tells Build every detail of his heart disease, the low chances of him surviving, the day he was taken for the surgery and how he never knows about Nodt Nutthasid or Build himself. He tells him about the threat from Mr. Sumettikul who wanted to sacrifice Faith which makes him agree to marry Build.

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