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Since the incident in Chiang Mai. Bible is slowly changing. He tried to stay longer in the house. He tried to initiate talking to Build. He prepared the breakfast for them, asking Build to eat along with him. Things are slowly getting better and Build noticed that.

"You don't have to avoid me anymore"

he says when they are sitting down at the dining table.

Build wanted to get out fast from his house but his husband asked him to sit at the dining table and he obeyed.

It's awkward, it's been three weeks since they left Chiang Mai but why everything seems more awkward than it used to be?

Bible hands him the plate for the pancake before offering him one piece of the floury mix. It's somehow slightly burnt and the piece is not in a perfect circle but he sees the effort. Bible tried so hard to prepare the food for him and he appreciates it.

He stops cutting the piece, shocked by the words.

"What..what do you mean?"

He looks at him. Confused.

"I mean..y- you don't have to avoid me anymore."

Bible stutters, it's not easy for him.

"You don't have to get out earlier from me early in the morning or come home late at night just to avoid me. Just make it as usual. You can cook as you always did. I know you love to eat homemade meals. You can stock up the cabinet or the fridge with anything you love. Just.. just don't avoid me anymore."

Build is speechless.

"But you hat-"

"No, I don't hate you. Please Build. I'm trying here. I know that I said I hate you, I know that I hurt you with my actions, I know that I beat you...

he chokes up, voice stuck in his throat, remembering the deeds he did towards Build.

I'm too lost in my anger that I beat you until you were hospitalised."

He looks at Build, face laced with sorry and worries. Hands fiddle on top of the table.

"I know this is not easy for us but can we..can we just try to act civil with each other? You can ignore me but please, maybe let's do this for mom and dad?"

Bible knows the words. He used to listen to a similar sentence. It's the one that Build often begged him to.

"Bible Wichapas, I know you hate this marriage. I don't know what makes you agree with this but can we please at least make it more civil between us?"

His husband's voice echoes in his mind, slapping him with the same thoughts and memories. Now he experiences it, how it's not easy for Build. How he remembered the other's face was all afraid asking him to at least treat him better.

"But why so sudden? I don't understand. I know you hate me since the beginning of this marriage Bible. I know you're mad in love with Us and I am the third person in your love story.

Don't try to pull this act on me Bible, it's not funny. I'm not a ball to be kicked around here and there by you."

Build doesn't understand these sudden changes in Bible. He is not that fragile to believe him especially when the other is still madly in love and in frequent contact with Us.

Truthfully Build is afraid, afraid of falling in love again to end up being disregarded with his heart shattered by fake promises. He doesn't think he can handle this twice. He is not ready to get his heart broken after he has slowly stitched it up strong. 

He cannot imagine that.

"But I understand, if you insist I will act as usual as you want to. I will try to be better on my part too and it's fine, you can ignore me as you always did. You can continue meeting Us. I'm used to that"

his heart shrinks.

"but one thing Bible, I don't know what kind of tricks you're pushing me into but just so you know I'm not that easy to be played around. You don't get to earn my trust to end up crushing it back again. Please don't do this to me. Thank you for at least trying. Thank you for the breakfast too."

He stands up quick from the stool, feeling his heart constricted with pent-up emotions and confusion.

Should he believe this Bible?


Should Build believe Bible?

I hope you love Build's character ><

Short update but don't worry more to come. Thank you for your support. I hope this pace is okay so far. ^^

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