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Build wakes up at night feeling hungry and messy. He does not realise he had fallen asleep on the floor after pouring his tears out. His eyes swollen red. The room is dark. He showers and slips himself a blue pajamas before going out of the room.

Seeing their house is all pitch black, he knows Bible is not around. He walks to the kitchen hoping to eat something, the last meal he ate was the breakfast this morning, now it's already 9.30 at night, it's late and his stomach grumbles for food. He cannot skip his meals or else his whole body will shake and his stomach hurts from gastric. He scans through the kitchen and ends up being disappointed because Bible seems like never eats in this house. The fridge is mostly empty but only filled with carbonated drinks and beers, no instant noodles, bread or even biscuits in the food cabinet. Build is annoyed, he is super hungry and tired, his car is still in his late father's house, he opts to order food delivery because looks like it is the only option left.

What a weird person, how can a person live without any food supplies.

He mumbles. Tomorrow he is going to shop for groceries because he prefers to cook his own food.

Bible is still not home even after he ate his late dinner and goes to sleep.

Whatever, his so called husband clearly told him to mind his own business so he should not care right?


Their marriage is not like a typical marriage, they do their own things and they don't care about each other, specifically Bible who does not even care about Build. Bible never eat his food even though Build tried to cook him meals almost everyday. He went out early in the morning and came back late at night. Sometimes, he is not even at home the whole week.

Build wishes at least they can be civil with each other but every time he tried to talk to Bible, the other ignored him. Almost 2 months, he feels like a single person having no husband nor a commitment at home. His staff know he was married but he ignored their questions whenever they asked about his husband, well does he have a husband though?

Build comes home early after receiving a call from his mother-in-law telling him that she wants to visit them. He is so happy considering how lonely he is all these periods, he often calls his parent-in-law acting all happy and okay, not once sharing what kind of marriage he had with Bible.

He prepares lots of dishes to welcome his mother. He loves and appreciates her so much for being so nice to him, her presence really helps him in coping with missing his late parents.

"mom, I miss you I'm sorry I don't visit you and dad regularly, how are you?"

Build hugs his mother tight missing the warm embrace. Mrs. Sumettikul is feeling the same, missing both of her sons but she understands Bible, her son is a workaholic person and once he is too busy with his work he will forget about anything else. Too occupied with his work.

"it's okay, son. We are all good, your dad send his regards because he's busy with his works at the company. How are you, why do you look skinnier honey?"

Mrs. Sumettikul notices how thinner Build is compared to 3 months ago, his small wrist looks tinier when she holds him. She knows everything is too sudden for the young man, he needs time to cope with the new surrounding but he hopes Bible can take care of his husband better than this. Mrs. Sumettikul is upset, she has to remind Bible about this.

Build already informed Bible about his mother's visit this morning before both of them went to work, he also messaged him to remind him about the visit but even after almost one hour passed, they guy is not at home yet. Mrs. Sumettikul is super disappointed, Build tries so hard to cheer her up, telling her about the special dish he cooked for her, especially with the cake he made.

He needs  to confront Bible about this, it's not fair for Mrs. Sumettikul, she misses her own son but why is Bible so stubborn?

They eat together sharing a lots of stories, laughing and bonding as a mom and son-in-law. Mrs. Sumettikul also jokes at him about wanting to have a grandchild as soon as possible which makes Build choke with his cake.

Oh my god, he never thought about that especially with his relationship with Bible right now, it's impossible. They cannot even look at each other's face properly, how even to conceive a child.

Build can only smile sheepishly at his mother.

3 hours she spent with Build, Mrs. Sumettikul is way too endeared with his personality. She knows she makes the best decision to marry Bible's off with Build. The young boy is the epitome of perfection, he is super handsome, kind, polite, gentle, has a very bright smile, cooks very well and is very lovely.

She can already imagine their future kid one day having to have Build as a father. About Bible, she's gonna meet him one day in his office to teach him lesson for not greeting her in their house. Luckily Build treats her so well, she loves his son in law so much.

"I'm going home, Biu na~, please send my biggest regards to your super busy husband. Tell Bible that I'm here, oh and don't forget my grandchild"

she hugs him dearly noticing the blush creeping on Build's face.


he whines, too embarassed over the question. If only their mother knows how troublesome their marriage is.

"I'm going to visit you okay, send my regards to dad. I miss him. I'll call you okay, take care mom".

It's dawn when Mrs. Sumettikul left. She kisses his forehead before going out to his driver. Build insists to send her home but she rejects the offer asking him to wait for his husband. He obeys, after all she doesn't know their problem. Build never share anything about his relationship with Bible, he doesn't want to trouble her or Mr. Sumettikul.

Build can endure this. He's already alone in this world, Bible's decision to ignore him won't hurt him. He finishes reheating the food in case Bible wanted to eat and waits for Bible on the couch.

"Wake up!!!"

Build is startled by a shout from Bible, not noticing when he fell asleep while waiting for his husband.


PANG!!! a harsh slap is heard.


Told you I make Bible a bad guy here so I'm sorry beforehand ^^ thank you for reading.

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