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It's a day before Faith 20th Family Day. This time they will organize the event outside of Faith's main HQ and they chose Faith House in Chiang Mai as their venue for the yearly event.

This is also the first time after years Build had last stepped into the district. Mr. Sumettikul purposely asked their staff to book hotels for all of them, obviously from Mrs. Sumettikul's idea. One room for him and his wife, one for Bible and Build and the rest of the rooms for Faith's principal and their staff.

Build knows he cannot avoid this. As much as he hates to go to Chiang Mai he has to prioritise his parents and Faith. And to add to his discomfort he has to stay with his husband in the same room. Of course, it's normal when you are legal husbands you have to stay together, of course, husbands should not be this awkward when staying in the same room.

But why now, one keeps standing and the other sits uncomfortably on the couch as if they are strangers? It should not be like this if only they are husbands who are civil with each other but obviously not in the case of Build and Bible.

"So we're staying here for three days"

Bible starts the conversation. The air of awkwardness fills the room. His eyes stare everywhere but Build. Mom obviously did this on purpose he thought but never mind not that he's not used to living with Build, they are living under the same roof except they acted like housemates.

Okay, no wonder both of them don't know how to react.

Bible wishes the day is moving fast. The room is feeling hot suddenly.

"I know and I'm sorry you had to stay in one room with me"

Build says, mind distracted since he's arrived this morning. He doesn't think he will be having fun enough being here. Chiang Mai keeps so much memories and pain for him. He wishes he can be calm throughout his stay. He stands and passes by Bible to take his luggage at the front door.

"Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch as usual. You can have the room." Build continues.

Their room is a suite room with one main bedroom, kitchen, closet, bathroom and a small living hall with a long white couch in the middle of it. Build will be sleeping there this upcoming 3 days and 2 nights, knowing Bible enough not to bother him. He is too tired to bicker with him either way. That is their common sleeping arrangement whenever they sleep in their parent's house so Build is already used to it.

Bible wants to answer him when his phone suddenly rings.

"Hello, yes Us"

he answers the caller while walking to the room. The name itself makes Build's heart hurt and his stomach churns. Of course, it will always be him. Bible and Us are so lovey-dovey with each other that it makes him sick. The day Us confronted him in his office, he knew he will be coming home facing an angry Bible.

< flashback to that day >

"I see you met Us? What are you trying to do?"

Bible snapped at him as soon as he came home.

"I didn't do anything."

He answered tiredly. What kind of drama plot Us told him that the guy was so mad.

Bible walked to him and harshly grabbed his wrist, eyes red with anger. The grip was so strong Build couldn't let it go from his hand.

"If you didn't do anything, how did he got hurt? How dare you touch him Build Jakapan?"

Build still resisted pulling his hand away from the grip. Of course, Us would lie and this idiot husband of his would blindly believe him.

"Let my hand go, Bible. You're hurting me!"

"Answer me. Why did you hurt him? Why did you attack Us?"

Build was annoyed. He was tired, he was dumbfounded and he was sick with their game. One final strong tug and he pulled his wrist from Bible's large hand. The red marks appeared fast on his delicate small wrist.

"If I answer you Bible Wichapas, will you believe in me?"

he stared at Bible responding to the anger glinting from the other's eyes. Bible stopped. His forehead wrinkled with obvious confusion and dilemma.

"Obviously you won't and you expect me to tell you? Ask your lover where we met Bible Wichapas if it's not at my office, ask him what he did there-"

he unzipped his bag, grabbed the flower and gift box Us gave to him and throw them at Bible's chest before continuing,

"What he did giving these things to me, mockingly congratulating me for our wedding, ask your so-called sweetheart if I ever touched his skin or his hair in the slightest because you can clearly see it from my office's CCTV. I will gladly show you Bible Wichapas!"

Build touched his now red wrist and moved in front of Bible, they were only inches from each other. He held up his injured wrist showing it right in front of Bible's eyes, glaring at him daringly before speaking up

"Don't you dare to touch me Bible Wichapas Sumettikul! One more time you did this to me, I will never hesitate to file you for domestic abuse. I dare you. Tell your lover don't ever show up in front of me, you guys can continue with your bullshit behind me but don't ever include me in your life."

He snapped at the frozen Bible and walked away from there hiding the tears that almost peeked out. He has to be strong. Not Bible neither Us can hurt him.

Be strong Build Jakapan. You have to be!!!

< present >

Build changes his clothes into a casual ones before laying down on the couch not feeling too well. Blame it may be on the car sickness or his gastritis but he really cannot eat anything right now or he will throw up terribly. He gulps down one paracetamol before sleeping it off hoping he will get better tomorrow.

Bible is already twenty minutes on the phone with Us when the other finally hangs up. Us will join the event tomorrow after he had done with his photo shoot. The other said he missed him so much he can't wait to meet Bible and the others.

Bible walks out of his room to get his duffle bag before noticing Build is sleeping not so comfortably on the couch. He actually wanted to tell him to use the room, after all, he planned not to stay the nights here. He already booked a room in a different hotel for Us and they're going to stay together.


It's 7 p.m and the last meal they had was the late lunch four hours ago before Bible drove his parents and Build to Chiang Mai which is about three hours from Bangkok.

Bible is kind of hungry now but seeing the other is sleeping he only calls for room service and leaves one set for Build remembering the other only eats two pieces of bread for his lunch saying he didn't have an appetite.

Feeling slightly guilty seeing the other sleeping on the couch, he carries his light body and lays him down on the bed before covering Build's shivering body with a blanket. The skin is warm. He wonders if Build is caught with a fever.

Bible doesn't notice at what time he's fallen asleep beside Build with his hands draping the cold towel on Build's forehead but one thing he sees, it is oddly comfortable being there.


I hope you like Build's character but Bible is one complicated man. I'm sorry for Build ;(('

What do you think happened in Chiang Mai? Thank you for your support. Love it^^

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